
i wish every mod was like yde. when she bans me i know i deserved it. alot of other staff just take up there friends, or there own personal vendettas.

<3 YDE
New to TI, but I see Yde's helpful information EVERYWHERE...apparently she's nice, too. Muchos blessingos!
Our Yde in F2P bracket,
hallowed be your mod powers.
Your forum be clean,
your trolls be banned,
on the subforum as in all of Twinkinfo.
Give us this day our daily helpful posts,
and forgive us our off-topic posts,
as we also have forgive those who flame us.
And lead us not into graveyard camping,
but deliver us from evilness of Lv24 twinks.
For thine is the swag, and the rhaebread, and team squish, forever and ever, amen.
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yde has done tons to help this bracket and is very nice. the only people that hate her are the 12 year old trolls who get banned and cry because they have to make another TI acc.
Yde is definitely one of my all time favorite moderator, but I must say that a break from moderation once in a while is entertaining
Yde is my favoritest picnic buddy ever !
I rarely post on here, but read the forum constantly. In viewing how Yde has handled several confrontations, she has always shown the utmost professionalism and classiness. She's also a huge contributor to the F2P community in general. Thanks for that Yde. Thank you for all that you do and have done. You are appreciated, even from the shadows (not meant to be creepy). :) Hope you're around for a long time.
I remember Yde back in early Cata f2p, and used to love being in bgs with her. Then i joined TI and there she was! Still being a boss <3

Yde iz num 1
Our Yde in F2P bracket,
hallowed be your mod powers.
Your forum be clean,
your trolls be banned,
on the subforum as in all of Twinkinfo.
Give us this day our daily helpful posts,
and forgive us our off-topic posts,
as we also have forgive those who flame us.
And lead us not into graveyard camping,
but deliver us from evilness of Lv24 twinks.
For thine is the swag, and the rhaebread, and team squish, forever and ever, amen.
Team Squish! :)

The bestest baddest arena team that never was.

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