Accountwide Heirlooms, Vanity Items and Tabards (picture)

Expect a 5.5, remember how long after the first rumors came out that it took for both cata and MoP to be released. 6.0 is probably going to happen towards the end of next year, going by their preference for a pre-xmas release on all the previous expansions.
Not sure why I don't see why no one has mentioned this yet, but I think it's probably my favorite part:
yes like the pets and mounts at the moment, you create a toon on any server (on any account linked to your and everything is available.
I doubt these will have enchants or transmogs "stuck" to them. I bet it functions like the tabard vendor. Creating a new item in your bag as you click on it. That's my guess anyway. We'll see, either way im glad i wont have to grind anymore jp for my trials. Im lazy and after fully gearing my paladin i never wanted to grind out another toon.
what i want to know is how will multiples of the same BOA work? i have Devout Aurastone Hammer on four realms i think.
i have multiple copies on the same realm.

i hope there will be some kind of refund/exchange program.
Er, I'm thinking enchants sticking around on heirlooms would be GREAT, since I have many enchanted heirlooms from when I was subbed. It will narrow the gap between f2p and p2p.

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Er, I'm thinking enchants sticking around on heirlooms would be GREAT, since I have many enchanted heirlooms from when I was subbed. It will narrow the gap between f2p and p2p.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

What would really narrow the gap between F2P and P2P would be if all enchants were stripped off of BoAs, and then BoAs were made to be unable to be enchanted at all.

You heard it here first.
I dreaded this day. I knew it was coming soon.

We really need more arenas and other community events going on. Having access to all your heirlooms pretty much defeats the purpose of doing BGs, especially if your F2P account is linked to your P2P account.
I dreaded this day. I knew it was coming soon.

We really need more arenas and other community events going on. Having access to all your heirlooms pretty much defeats the purpose of doing BGs, especially if your F2P account is linked to your P2P account.

I dont know about you, but I dont pvp for the sake of gearing until Im BiS.. I pvp for the sake of pvp. Being able to (more or less) instantly gear your alts close to BiS is great. (As a principle without entering the p2p enchs discussion)

Everyone wants to jump on my bandwagon today! :p

I'm sure many people throughout the years have argued in favor of this or of that disposition of BoAs. I was merely saying that I'm predicting, on the forums, that the next xpac will actually do this (specifically, making BoAs unenchantable) and as far as I know, I'm the first person to publicly make that prediction on the forums.

Now y'all stop harrumphing and go make your own predictions! :)

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