Your biggest free to play accomplishment?

I was just curious what everybody's biggest accomplishments on their free to play characters would be?
Be it achievements, mounts, grandfathered items/titles/transmogs, what-have-you.

Text post it or post a picture if you'd like.

I was pretty ecstatic to get my Arena Grand Master, but I think that is overshadowed with how overjoyed I was when I FINALLY got my Giant Sewer Rat.

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Meeting Yde.

EDIT : .... and Earlwing... ofc...
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Very impressive, I am quite jealous.
I was actually starting to consider going for the Hyacinth Macaw, but I think I'll need a few days/weeks break after this rat before I start that up.

Might want to make it a month or 2 unless you're gonna have P2P help. One of the most tiring grinds I know of. If you care about rep at all theres a good place in a lumber mill type of place that has lv 28-30s that give rep with steamwheedle.
remembering to put maratain on ignore on all my characters
I meant to link only my steamwheedle rep but didn't know how so just took it down xD You caught it pre-edit lol

How did you get exalted with Everlook and Gadgetzan before Booty Bay and Ratchet?
Anyway, mine would probably be fishing up the turtle, because I stuck with it for two weeks and that's something I never do :p
1) One time in gurubashi arena, my hammer of justice stunned a 85. I have no clue how it happened but surely "stunned" me with pleasure.

2) Joined WSG with a score of horde 0 alliance 2, managed to run 2 flag by myself. horde won. pure bliss.

3) Purchasing darkmoon dancing bear, "of the horde" title, taming "Echeyakee" as a dwarf hunter.
I don't really care about achievements, but Blushing Bride was probably the one I had the most fun getting. I would post a screenshot, but I lost all my screenshots when I reinstalled WoW :(

(I was wearing the dress btw)
The dancing bear, my favorite mount.

My mechanical squirrel :D my favorite pet, I rocked it all the time when I subbed many years ago and was so happy I could get it on my F2P.

And getting double AGM. Even though I later found out that it is not BIS but who cares, Ill keep it for my swag set.
I don't really care about achievements, but Blushing Bride was probably the one I had the most fun getting. I would post a screenshot, but I lost all my screenshots when I reinstalled WoW :(

(I was wearing the dress btw)


And just for fun:


Caught a really rare fish that day.
1. my transmogs in general (some im still working on)
2. killed and camped a ?? noob dk with two of my f2p friends
3. ruining 24 premades on my druid
4. that swiftness recipe dropping

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