Should I quit WoW?

Yes! Please quit. Who likes Male Night Elfs?

How dare you hate on Illidan. Shame on you just cuz he was a male night elf.

All male night elf hunters should just quit

Illidan may have been a demon hunter... (keyword hunter) just more melee and less worry about a pet problem. Shame on you even though this is a cheesy excuse.
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Ultimately it all falls on whether you want to or not. I quit multiple times in the past and recently my recent quits or breaks if you will, were more voluntary. I remember those days when I used to get screamed at for playing in into the wee mornings. Nowadays I still stay up in the wee mornings as old habits die hard, but it isn't wow related anymore. Back then when I was addicted and paying for the game, quitting was simply a means to try to tone down the amount of playing.

I still remember vividly playing 19 twinks on my CRT monitor at my old house just having a glorious time in wsg. However, of course we all know that 19 twinks are pretty much a dead bracket now (I played when exp off was the norm). The games were still considered fair, but each side had their same share of twinks.

The 20-24 twink exp off bracket has a lot to be desired. gone are the days the 24s are a rarity. I see on average 4-5 24s per game. Worse is when the 24s group together. Not to bash the activity of premades, but for the other side, it simply ceases to be fun at that point (for the opposing force). Until everyone accepts all out F2P or all out 24 P2P, the bracket will soon skew towards the 24 side, along with many f2p joining their servers or joining the side that has the most 24s(horde). F2Ps will have an existential crisis and will resort to more FOTM model approach as they need as much advantage as they can logically speaking. Then through sheer exhaustion of facing myriads of 24s, quit the f2p game and more than likely the entire game as well and leaving with a bitter taste in their mouth.

As for me, this is why I am quitting. The free game version ceases to be fun for me. I still log on time to time to see if other f2ps are on, but as each day goes by, less and less of them are prevalent. Your experiences may differ from mine, but the direction this bracket is going is clearly straight down.

Side note: selling my account, but not enough posts

How dare you hate on Illidan. Shame on you just cuz he was a male night elf.

Illidan may have been a demon hunter... (keyword hunter) just more melee and less worry about a pet problem. Shame on you even though this is a cheesy excuse.

Omfg Dude EBayder i had no idea this was you, i recognized your photo! with the 25k MS ;)
i think most of these people telling you to quit just really hate night elf's and/or hunters...

try to quit for a week/month/year until you WANT to play again, and then go back but play a dif class and if you can afford sub, play a dif bracket

play less and (im not saying you are fat, i don't even know you) work out, go play some basketball or something, go for a bike ride, enjoy life a little bit.

get a big booty hoe. nothing makes you enjoy life more then winning a WSG against a bunch of 24's then getting some bomb ass pussy. realniggashit

if none of those work then just quit.
Don't ask us wether to play or not. We aren't you. If you don't like it anymore, don't play. If you do think you like it, try a different class.
I would still destroy you lawl

Meh idk i enjoyed our little duels in bgs on my mage even though you /spit on me while gy farming my team when we have no healers... ill see you around on my pally and the rivalry will continue.

p.s. send me a pm so i know when ur on... ill be on later tonight
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It's not like you have to devote your life to wow. I play f2p casually as in, I don't play constantly but I still enjoy doing a few BGs here and there. It's all about self control. You can still enjoy the game but do not play excessively because you'll lose interest faster.
Actually though. Quit. Hunters are a joke and the fact that you've gotten so attached to one means you'll basically never be able to play a class that takes skill.

Your gear sucks anyway. Wrong shoulders, wrong cape, missing armor kits, Hogger's Trousers on ally = lulz, etc. If you're going to play the broken class at least do it well.

Sorry if this was a bit of a necro but I felt the need to say that.

tl;dr quit

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