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  1. 80 rogue noob PVP

    Hey guys, I have just recently leveled my UD Rogue to 80 and have a few questions, first is it just me or am i going to have to take an ass whooping from all the other 80's for a long time before i get decent gear? And on that note, what is the best way to get good gear? Raiding is time...
  2. Farming Winter hat

    I may be wrong but, i think the hat only drops from bosses in heroic dungeons.
  3. Good combo weapon?

    You would just need to get to TB for the training.
  4. Gath'llzogg and Singe

    Concerning the hunters, I think he was referring to ranged miss chance.
  5. What server to PvP on?

    From research looks like Rampage or Blackout for EU. Hope this helps. Happy PVP-ing. :)
  6. Level 1 Pally (Am I doing it right?)

    I know at lvl 1 you cannot use this Arclight Spanner but i have enchanted one with enchant weapon: Fiery Weapon. So bet the diamond tipped cane cane do it too.
  7. Level 1 Pally (Am I doing it right?)

    Diamond-tipped cane
  8. What server to PvP on?

    Any server in the Ruin Battlegroup.
  9. lvl 14 twinks

    Just do what you think is going to be fun. No offense meant at anyone here, Big Love to all my fellow TI friends, but don't let the bastards tell you what you can do with your $15. This whole damned game is pointless unless you are having fun.
  10. Level 1 Rogue Twink In Progress

    Also, which single hand weapon enchant should I use now? Fiery, i think is best. You will still want a Medicine Pouch. Skinning or Mining? Skinning and Herbalism For boots, 5 hit, 7 agi, or 7 stam? I was thinking 5 hit, but the dodge is so nice and it's great...
  11. Lvl 1 Rogue Twink...

    For the Defias mask you will have to get out to Westfall and kill up some O' thems Defias guys, helps if you have a higher level come with you as i think they are around 18 or so, easier to get there if an Allie, little rougher but not impossible if rolling Horde.
  12. Lvl 1 Huntard

    If you get your skinning to 150 your crit jumps to 20%.
  13. Unocraft - Level One Twinking

    What about trying to organize a level 1 pvp fest 1 night a week? That way everyone can get on and kill each other in merriment.
  14. Unocraft - Level One Twinking

    I Was just on, it looks really cool, if i have some time tomorrow i will get a guy fully geared and fight, fight, fight. Thank you for your work on this.
  15. Rate the twink above you.

    I think we use the term "rape" WAY!!!! to liberally in the World of Warcraft. just my 2cents.
  16. Blues respond to questions on long Q's!

    Yeah but, why? To play Devil's advocate, what does Blizz get out of this? Srsly they are a business and money is king.
  17. Got a good 80?

    My 80 is so bad he is only 77. 0_o
  18. 19 mage!

    You can do +40 armor on your pants.
  19. Blues respond to questions on long Q's!

    I didn't think they actually merged the BG's, i believe they created new ones. If it does not generate revenue for them, why from a business stand point should they do it?
  20. Lvl 1 twinks

    No need for net limiter, just turn off XP.