19 mage!

Hey everyone!

So I've made a grand total of 3 19 twinks to date, a warrior, a completely terrible rogue, and a druid. of the 3, the only one that i didn't end up levelling is the druid, she's also the only one that i'm sorta satisfied with.

Annnnyway, I want to make another atm. My first idea was a mage! Basically it would be a CCbot, stacking stam, speccing frost.

Though I may come up with a pure spellpower, glass cannon set as well.

Current stam set: (keep in mind the AGM will be a while from now, still trying to get it for my druid =3, and the fishing hat will also go to my druid first if I ever get the damn thing).

Head: gogs

Neck: thick bronze

Shoulders: Tattered Dreadmist

Back: Spidersilk w/ 70 armor (shadow resist maybe?)

chest: moccasin (till i get boa)(treebark?) w/ 100 hp

Wrists: Crystalline9 sta

Gloves: Magefist20 frost or 16 sp

Waist: Keller's

Legs: Darkweave24 armor

Feet: spidersilk7 sta

Ring1: blood ring

ring2: seal of wrynn

trinket 1: insignia

trninket 2: AGM

wep: BoA Headmaster (or Jordan, whichever I get first), maybe even SotBS in the meantime. 30 spellpower.

wand: Gravestone Sceptre

spec: 3/3 frostbite, 3/3 ice floes, 3/3 permafrost, 1/3 precision.

Final stats:

1262 HP

1353 MP

92 frost dmg

72 fire dmg

2% (wtf?) crit

Together with 150-225 herbing and 225 first aid I should be pretty durable.

Now then, my glass cannon set would mainly be subbing in greens of fiery wrath for some of the blues. Too lazy to get it together atm.
IFFF this is going to be your CCbot mage this is what I think should be changed...

Head:Shadow Goggles

Shoulders: Talbar Mantle

Chest: Tree Bark Jacket, +4 stats or +100 mana

Wrists: ...of Stamina, +9 stamina

Hands: +10 Haste instead of the other 2 chants

I've got a massive headache so I don't really feel like adding advice. Sorry lol.
Heeljoo said:
Hey everyone!

So I've made a grand total of 3 19 twinks to date, a warrior, a completely terrible rogue, and a druid. of the 3, the only one that i didn't end up levelling is the druid, she's also the only one that i'm sorta satisfied with.

Annnnyway, I want to make another atm. My first idea was a mage! Basically it would be a CCbot, stacking stam, speccing frost.

Though I may come up with a pure spellpower, glass cannon set as well.

Current stam set: (keep in mind the AGM will be a while from now, still trying to get it for my druid =3, and the fishing hat will also go to my druid first if I ever get the damn thing).

Head: gogs

Neck: thick bronze

Shoulders: Tattered Dreadmist

Back: Spidersilk w/ 70 armor (shadow resist maybe?)

chest: moccasin (till i get boa)(treebark?) w/ 100 hp

Wrists: Crystalline9 sta

Gloves: Magefist20 frost or 16 sp

Waist: Keller's

Legs: Darkweave24 armor

Feet: spidersilk7 sta

Ring1: blood ring

ring2: seal of wrynn

trinket 1: insignia

trninket 2: AGM

wep: BoA Headmaster (or Jordan, whichever I get first), maybe even SotBS in the meantime. 30 spellpower.

wand: Gravestone Sceptre

spec: 3/3 frostbite, 3/3 ice floes, 3/3 permafrost, 1/3 precision.

Final stats:

1262 HP

1353 MP

92 frost dmg

72 fire dmg

2% (wtf?) crit

Together with 150-225 herbing and 225 first aid I should be pretty durable.

Now then, my glass cannon set would mainly be subbing in greens of fiery wrath for some of the blues. Too lazy to get it together atm.

What I'll have to comment on is that you should ALWAYS use Minor Speed on feet. Because it is worth it.

Second I'd use Jordan over the other, just because of the +hit it gives. And thats useful both for your druid and your Mage.

I can't honestly say that I know everything about a mage, but thats the few things I'd comment on.

Anyways you should try to get Furbolg Medicine pouch for your mage and druid, because the extra stamina comes in handy. for FC sets
You can do +40 armor on your pants.
You should NOT use the weapons you have listed.

Instead use the following:

Horde: [ITEM]22984[/ITEM] with 22 intelect + [ITEM]16768[/ITEM]

Aliance: [ITEM]935[/ITEM] with 22 intelect + [ITEM]16768[/ITEM]

Best CC weapon + offhand choice
Eliot said:
You should NOT use the weapons you have listed.

Instead use the following:

Horde: [ITEM]22984[/ITEM] with 22 intelect + [ITEM]16768[/ITEM]

Aliance: [ITEM]935[/ITEM] with 22 intelect + [ITEM]16768[/ITEM]

Best CC weapon + offhand choice

doesn't [ITEM]16768[/ITEM] take about 5 to 10 hours to get to freind whit the people need to buy that from?
for a CCbot you don't really need any spellpower. that being said i'd go with treebark jacket or inferno robe with 150stam on it (perhaps even bloody apron with +100hp if you're really going for a max stam set)

zaraydora said:
doesn't [ITEM]16768[/ITEM] take about 5 to 10 hours to get to freind whit the people need to buy that from?

No. It took me less than 3 hours with an 80. If you want to have the best gear its not that hard to get it. :cool:

Or, for Horde:


My horde Mage is missing Pouch and Fishing Hat.
Personally I would go with Bronze Band of Force over Seal of Wrynn. While Wrynn gives nice power-ups to your Stamina and Intellect (and Spirit), I would rather have the spell power it gives (I think 10). I hear some of the people who responded argue that CC mages don't need spell power, but this is only really true for arenas, where it's 2v2 and only one life. In bg's (WSG), you're not always going to have a warrior or shammy or pally to run with, you'e going to face some 1v1s, and for those you're going to need spell power to kill the guy or at least hold him off. Assuming your in a twink only bg, he'll probably trinket your Polymorph, so having Frostbolt on him then running back towards your gy could work, but I'd rather dispose of the horde trash first.
Neg, Seal of wrynn would be Much better than a Bronze Band of force, especially for a CC mage.

its not 10 Spellpower on the bronze band of force, its + 1 wep damage and 6 Spellpower.

In my opinion, + 6 spellpower isnt worth losing the stats of wrynn, I think its like 4 stam 4 int 4 or 6 spirit on the wrynn or whatever it is ( I play horde so dont know the exact stats).

Also yes, Dawnblade with + 22 int and a furbolg Pouch offhand is the best Horde combo to run with, obviously in combination with a spellpower weapon to swap over to once you burn through the bonus mana from the int enchant.

Or a Nightwatch shortsword / Evocators Blade + Furbolg for the Alliance mage.
Restoshaman said:
Also yes, Dawnblade with + 22 int and a furbolg Pouch offhand is the best Horde combo

I disagree tbh. Sharpened Scarlet Kris gives +4stamina & +3resilience. Since the gear setup I plan to obtain will have quite a huge amount of resilience for a level 19, I believe Sharpened Scarlet Kris>Dawnblade. If you don't have access to a level 80, Dawnblade would be your best option.

My Mage Gearsetup! Click me!
Noo said:
This is the set I'm aiming for my CC Mage.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

If you don't have a main; change the following items;

Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle > Talbar Mantle.

Sharpened Scarlet Kris > Dawnblade or Night Watch Shortsword.

Inherited Insignia of the Alliance > Insignia of the Horde.

Have any questions? Just ask :)

10 haste might be better on gloves. :)

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