Gath'llzogg and Singe

My guild is going to attempt to take down these at some point, we're thinking of this setup

Paladin Healtank

Shaman Healer

3 Rogues

How many buffs do you think we'll need to take them down?

Currently rolling with Fish Feast, MotW, Thorns, Fortitude, Might and various scrolls and pots

The healadin has 2 agms rank 2 lifeblood etc and everyone else has BoA weps etc, think this'll be enough?
Oh that sounds like a fun fight. Please film this.

wait if these guys as like level 20+ i would try to get the Dragonslayer buff or what ever its called the one you get when some hands in the ONY head quest. And then the buff from STV i think its like spirit of zandalar
reessagny said:
wait if these guys as like level 20+ i would try to get the Dragonslayer buff or what ever its called the one you get when some hands in the ONY head quest. And then the buff from STV i think its like spirit of zandalar

does turning in the new lvl 80 head still trigger that buff? ive dont it once but i cant remember if i got it or not.

zandalar buff would be really nice, +50 stats since the change. wow.

also for guy ^ me... dont hunters have the same miss chance as melee using a 1h (all lvl 1s until rogues DW)? so how would they be better?
Concerning the hunters, I think he was referring to ranged miss chance.
does turning in the new lvl 80 head still trigger that buff? ive dont it once but i cant remember if i got it or not.'s a completely different quest...

you do get it from killing Nefarian in BWL still (until Cataclysm when they remove it from the game)

just a note, after the head is turned over to the Overlord (or Highlord for Alliance) ... the head doesn't appear right away (and likewise the buff) need to wait around Org (or SW) for 4 or 5 minutes
How many people does BWL take? Rallying cry would be nice, but I don't think I can get any of my rogues to reroll hunter, and I doubt they'd be bothered to get any feathered arrows anyway :p I'll try and get a hunter or 2 but I can't guarentee xD

How hard is the zandalar buff to get?
Nishimaster said:
How hard is the zandalar buff to get?

Someone needs to complete The Heart of Hakkar. I was able to 3 man ZG in the crafted blue stuff to get my tiger mount, so I am sure you could get a small group of players to finish it.

How many people does BWL take?

I've run it with as few as 7 lvl80s ... I'm sure you could with less...but 7 is a good number for the first half .

As for Hakkar, I've 3 manned him easily.

I'm not sure if it matters a whole lot, but since we're endgame, our gear is a lil better than most peoples...but I'd think any 3 in epics would be fine
I'll grab 3 people and do it at some point then lol should be easy in totc10/25 gear, just gonna wait for a while till we're all definately at our best :)
Nishimaster said:
I'll grab 3 people and do it at some point then lol should be easy in totc10/25 gear, just gonna wait for a while till we're all definately at our best :)

You need at least 3 for Vaelstrasz, Nefarian is going to be hard as fuck if there is a mage, pally, or shaman in the group. I'd try to just get 7-10 80s, more or less as needed.

Edit: If you meant for ZG, all you need is a prot or ret pally in Naxx gear.. lol xD
Nishimaster said:
is there an ally version of warchiefs blessing?

Ouch you're ally. Sorry, but afaik there's no buffs like it for alliance. Well Drums of Battle, closest you'll get the haste amount. But still it's not 5 lvl 1 twinks killing the mob if you have to have a guy there to keep your buffs up. It's like having a lvl 80 priest in your group doing PWS on you all the time.

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