Level 1 Pally (Am I doing it right?)


Lord of the Black Flame
I got bored and wanted to see if I could make a DPS-A-Din and this is what I got. (I am sure this has been done before)

character planner . elli . chardev seven

Am I missing anything? Also, should I take up Mining or keep Herb/Skinning?

only thing your doing wrong is rolling a pally for DPS :)

full haste is pretty sexy for 2h...you hit for less...but swing a lot more

here are some numbers i ran for a rogue with haste vs agility...while not exactly a 1-1 comparison, the concept is the same (1 agi for rogue = 2 ap ... 1 str for a pally = 2ap)


Based on that...if your stacking strength, it's better...however, I would say that stacking one or the other will probably yield close to the same total damage over time and both would be higher than mixing enchants.

My lvl1 warrior is setup pretty much the way you have in your chardev and he swings 3.5 times more / min than he did with stacked strength

EDIT: [ITEM]Repurposed Lava Dredger[/ITEM] is actually higher DPS than BAR ... you gain 1 AP and 6.93% armor pen is > than 1.86% crit

Plus fully hasted ... 2.9 speed on the RLD compared to 3.8 speed on BAR ... wow...just a bunch of sexy wow
Get a wep with crusader and switch when u procc;). The nice with paladins is that you can for example use that staff looking wep from the fishing daily which gleams as a weapon with 25 agi. You got no meele abilities. So you're able to get a crap fast 2h if that's something you want. 25agi/15str/9dmg is probably best on it. Or maybe enchants doesn't work on it? I assume it does since I've enchanted a lot of crap items in my twink history which isn't a mace or what ever. 9DMG should work since u can't DW with it. but with BoAs it's probably not a suitable weapon. I'd make an AP warr in setad though. Gotta love em. BAR if u want crusader
[ITEM]Diamond-tipped cane[/ITEM]
can you enchant the cane? i tried putting a counterweight on it and it wouldn't let me

it's technically not a weapon (or at least doesn't have a weapon class...ie mace, sword, etc)

and in testing on my warrior (for the lvl1 crit contest) ... the 25 agility enchant > 15 strength > 9 damage
I'm pretty sure I've seen it with fiery. Counterweight requires a specific weapon. vanilla chants and tbc chants doesn't require the item to be cloth/mace like WotLK chants does so it should work. Always wanted to be able to use the cane on a class which it's useful
I know at lvl 1 you cannot use this [ITEM]Arclight Spanner[/ITEM] but i have enchanted one with [ITEM]enchant weapon: Fiery Weapon[/ITEM]. So bet the [ITEM]diamond tipped cane[/ITEM] cane do it too.
cool guys...thanks for correcting my thinking on that ...

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