Unocraft - Level One Twinking

egmoller said:
Whuts the realmlist? and i know that the server aint ready yet but i just wanna know the realmlist :)

Go to our website :)
But y cant u just put it up and throw stuff in as needed and when needed or suggested and still have the current one up so peep can play and test as u go not just let them sit back for a week and get unintrested.
egmoller said:
i've been there, but couldnt really find it :/

one more thing, when u guys are on the server, adding items and stuff, is it possible for us, normal accounts, to play there ?

Yeah, it is.

The realm list is at the top of every page, over the server status (which doesn't work yet, btw - it always says offline, even when the server is up)
Ego said:
99.9% no. If eurys is not online, the server won't be online (till we get a dedicated hoster), also, check our forums, we have a thread there that states whether it is online or not.

So I've added 4 new vendors so far: Consumables/Ammo, Hat Vendor, Shirts/Tabards, and Mounts/Pets.

The consumables I've added are not final, so if you guys have suggestions, let me know.

I Was just on, it looks really cool, if i have some time tomorrow i will get a guy fully geared and fight, fight, fight. Thank you for your work on this.
Eurys said:
If I can somehow get ~$50/mo. in donations, the server would be up 24/7 with no lag. ;)

Depends if you want a host you can get that without any fee.

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