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  1. Level 39 Twinks. Bgs Popping.? (US)

    hmmm activity in 39s i may have to unfreeze my wow account
  2. How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG

    she's very laughable without it
  3. Inb4 trolls cum buckets in this thread...

    i r can nart read errwhere dat nightfall is waar 39s goeen gaymez konst int frum avternuun tilt mydknight
  4. @ Cyclone 39's that have moved to NF

    Alright well any of the guilds on jaedenar looking for a rogue. Names Yalgar. I realize I don't have the revolosh gloves or the enchants on boots or helm, or have agm, or the boa chest; all these things are being worked on, i farm revolosh like he has the ability to drop 1 million dollars, i...
  5. @ Cyclone 39's that have moved to NF

    i live in kansas so either coast is pretty much the same for me and DFW or CHI's ROCK!
  6. @39's ... get to Nightfall asap

    we see pers trolllllling the forrrrums, yea he hope we dont catch him trollllling, catch him trolllling, yeah catch him trollling.
  7. @ Cyclone 39's that have moved to NF

    What server did you guys go to? Looking for a place to xfer with familiar faces, and arena partners :D
  8. @39's ... get to Nightfall asap

    troll why do you persist in trolling
  9. Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

    cyclone then is not the cyclone of today
  10. Cyclone, Reckoning, Nightfall horde servers?

    who is it that you beat?
  11. @ Competetive 39's

    Alright well thanks for the clear up. Sorry powergloves i thought you were flaming me for no reason. Thanks grumpee and Athylle. And Situation, this is Yalgar the Gnome Rogue, or Velocity the Dwarf hunter, doubt you remember me but we pubbed it up alot when the going was good. Obviously...
  12. @ Competetive 39's

    sigh what? my what was a why would you even bother typing that. turning into pwndepot over here can't even ask questions anymore
  13. @ Competetive 39's

  14. @ Competetive 39's

    So I just came back after a couple months downtime from wow and see a ton of change...i went back to my formerly ridiculously populated bg to find every single wsg is a zamboni ride now? Wtf happened? (Cyclone btw). Where did everyone go? I wanted to make a new twink but is it even freaking...
  15. 39 Nurfs???

    no 2v2 skirmish just might push me to cancel my subscription. In no way was this necessary...better be a damn bug.
  16. Help needed! (hunter)

    lookup fatapult on armory he's pretty much got everything, except after 3.1 you'll want the revelosh shoulders.
  17. Which class guide would you like to see next?

    lol there is no way its 4% that dang ring procs alot
  18. Boostz new movie

    pretty sure golden eye will never be replaced by any bond game ever. Same goes for Halo 1
  19. Addon ? Real easy

    In the boostz movie he has a freaking huge castbar pop up with nice texture. I was wondering if anyone knew this addons name.