@ Cyclone 39's that have moved to NF

What server did you guys go to? Looking for a place to xfer with familiar faces, and arena partners :D
Pro and BA and part of several other guilds all xferred to Jaedenar ally side.
Ajiito said:
What server did you guys go to? Looking for a place to xfer with familiar faces, and arena partners :D

Let me try to clarify further. As of yet, no Cyclone Horde have transfered to Nightfall that I know about. Those who transfered from Cyclone alliance are either part of the Pro Nightfall project or joined/re rolled with Red Text, a native NF guild. Both of those guilds are on Jaedenar as Soul indicated.

No central guild or server was ever created for/by Cyclone players and so, any Cyclone transfer might as well treat their transfer as a clean slate and look for the best possible solution for themselves from among the many guilds on Alliance or Horde.

Nightfall forums will more or less point you in the right direction.
well sub has a priest in the VCS guild...

boostz xferred to jaedenar alliance as well....but apparently is xferring back off due to incredibly high latenance due to where he lives...which sucks.

perplex is on jaedenar as well, and I am sure there are other horde who have either rerolled or xferred that have name changed that we just arent aware of.

At some point most of the rest of cyclone is either going to not play 39s anymore or have to xfer as well.

But as confessin stated there is not one central place. Sub is in VCS with several other old cyclone players such as Qavent, and they are looking for a few more to get premades solidified. Chaos Theory on Deathwing also has a few of us from Cyclone either there or xferring/rolling there and we would love more to get closer to premade capabilities as well.
boostz xferred to jaedenar alliance as well....but apparently is xferring back off due to incredibly high latenance due to where he lives...which sucks.

He should look into some of the SSH tunneling apps out there, like Smoothping or Wowtunnels.

As I understand it, SSH has a higher priority than normal net traffic. Using one of these services will reduce your latency by as much as 50% or more.

I'm not overjoyed with my latency to Nightfall and in some cases I'll cast sheep, see a warrior charge me, then see the sheep proc. So I'm seriously considering one of these services.
well I think boostz is coming from an oceanic place...soo its more than just like 300 latency
Alright well any of the guilds on jaedenar looking for a rogue. Names Yalgar. I realize I don't have the revolosh gloves or the enchants on boots or helm, or have agm, or the boa chest; all these things are being worked on, i farm revolosh like he has the ability to drop 1 million dollars, i dont bother farming agm right now my server is filled with douches who loot chest for fun in their full party of 80s. even at 3 am its sweet. Leveling my 70 to 80 just for the effing chest, the enchants just lookin for a guy who can do it :p.

That being said I understand how to play my class decently and I am just now learning the ins and outs not at brumble, boostz, or jenif level obviously but maybe someday soon.

Oh and race change soon as that shit is possible lol. Get at me.

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