Help needed! (hunter)

I need help!

I'm realy lost about what gear/spec I should get for my hunter :confused:. Is there a guide for 39 hunters? Should I get the same gear as a rogue or more int? Should I use BoA bow and weapon or get something else?

I've been thinking about these specs: 0/0/30, 8/16/6 or 0/30/0

Please help :eek:
lookup fatapult on armory he's pretty much got everything, except after 3.1 you'll want the revelosh shoulders.

good post on 39 hunter gear

for spec, if you want full-on DPS go 0/30/0. but i find hunters that use scattershot properly are incredibly annoying. so i would get at least 11 points into survivability and possibly go 0/19/11. you could also go 0/14/16 for aimed shot+careful aim+more survivability, or you could go 0/8/22 to just get careful aim. it's up to you according to your playstyle, although for almost all 39 hunters careful aim is a vital talent to get.
i played 0/19/11

gettin scatter IS worth it.

paired with aimed you can free somebody from huge amounts of incoming heal^^

and while kiting melees scatter will save your life and aimed is another instant to pull off.

get both!

and put 3 points in hawk eye.

LnL is fun...not impressingly powerful, but fun to play...for a week.

the amount of points in focused aim always depend on your gear. hit < cap -> pts in FA

best weapon that is easy to get is silencer.

best cheap legs are triprunners. good to wear while waiting for basilisk.

use dual int weapons and if you want to, only switch out your OH. vanq/int should stay in your MH.

if you have a first setup, post it here and we can help you with suggestions and additions.

Depending on how much hit you have via enchants / gear you should hit cap yourself via Focused Aim. Like Druid said, Hawkeye and Savage Strikes is the better option Tier 1 Survival. I would also suggest moving points from Survivalist to Surefooted and Entrapment. Those talents offer a lot more utility and survivability than another flat 10% stam. If your premad'ing anything I would suggest 3/3 Entrapment otherwise you can do 3/3 2/3 whichever way you want.
as i used a cat/wind serpent a lot, 25 focus per crit ensured the on CD use of every dmg ability.

3/3 hawk eye is KING if you want to support or stop a FC.

3/3 surefooted helps to get away in case of non poison snares.

imp stings -> more mana drained! huge effect.

1 focused aim, as i didn't cap hit gearwise.

as you can see, this build is generally tools oriented:
I've recently started up a hunter I'm planning on twinking at 39. With the upcoming patch, I'm not sure which items I really want since apparently they're nerfing enchants? Where could I find more clarification on this subject. I have no idea which slot enchants are being nerfed etc.
Shaitan said:
I've recently started up a hunter I'm planning on twinking at 39. With the upcoming patch, I'm not sure which items I really want since apparently they're nerfing enchants? Where could I find more clarification on this subject. I have no idea which slot enchants are being nerfed etc.

The head, legs and shoulder enchants.

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