Level 39 Twinks. Bgs Popping.? (US)

warlocks are mostly a cc class in 39s...the damage output is meh but fears curse of exaustion and umm that thing that you dispell that silences you is nice

if you want a dps class id pick somethin else but if your fine with not doing much damage and doing decent cc its pretty useful

and yeah the guild beegees is a solid group of bads...i mean cool guys :)

edit: oh and if you wanted a horde 39 and you have mains on ulda with boas and that kinda thing my 39 guild is there i could help out with runs and such
necoangelus said:
warlocks are mostly a cc class in 39s...the damage output is meh but fears curse of exaustion and umm that thing that you dispell that silences you is nice

if you want a dps class id pick somethin else but if your fine with not doing much damage and doing decent cc its pretty useful

and yeah the guild beegees is a solid group of bads...i mean cool guys :)

edit: oh and if you wanted a horde 39 and you have mains on ulda with boas and that kinda thing my 39 guild is there i could help out with runs and such

Well I wanted to use something that wasn't too overused. How well do Balance Druids and Warriors do in the bracket.?

And well my main is Alliance and I'm still working on getting some heirlooms atm on Uldaman but making a horde twink sounds appealing also. I'll decide later when I see I get my first question answered. lol
After reading this I am tempted. At first I was thinking I could level up my 29 hunter to the 39 bracket, but seems like you guys either hate hunters, or are stacked full of them. How are you on paladins? (this is addressed to the 39 alliance guild guys...) I used to have a 19 healadin that rocked pretty hard. I would imagine a 39 paladin would be pretty damn good with the right gear.

Later today I am actually going to upgrade my account to Cata...just waiting on the patch to get to where I can actually login and play. I am looking at options for some awesome fun with a twink!
Garden said:
After reading this I am tempted. At first I was thinking I could level up my 29 hunter to the 39 bracket, but seems like you guys either hate hunters, or are stacked full of them. How are you on paladins? (this is addressed to the 39 alliance guild guys...) I used to have a 19 healadin that rocked pretty hard. I would imagine a 39 paladin would be pretty damn good with the right gear.

Later today I am actually going to upgrade my account to Cata...just waiting on the patch to get to where I can actually login and play. I am looking at options for some awesome fun with a twink!

hunters are so OP its just stupid right now and there are a few on both sides, too many if you ask most people. as far as pallies go, alliance has enough ret and a decent amount of prot but not many holy. although the last 2 games i played tonight alliance have had top 4 heals and they were all pallies.

i have a 29 h.pally myself and i've considered making that my OS for my 39 and just fc'ing in a stam heavy set, specced in ret, when i have to. i have a lot of fun with the spec in 29s.
Garden said:
After reading this I am tempted. At first I was thinking I could level up my 29 hunter to the 39 bracket, but seems like you guys either hate hunters, or are stacked full of them. How are you on paladins? (this is addressed to the 39 alliance guild guys...) I used to have a 19 healadin that rocked pretty hard. I would imagine a 39 paladin would be pretty damn good with the right gear.

Later today I am actually going to upgrade my account to Cata...just waiting on the patch to get to where I can actually login and play. I am looking at options for some awesome fun with a twink!

The thing about hunters is:

1. They don't know about the Banning of Aimed Shot. That can be REALLY irritating to see a hunter cast that on you :p

2. Having too MANY hunters is just gamebreaking and ruins the entire game for everyone.

3. Having NO hunters is horrible because everyone needs hunters believe it or not. Having a single hunter on D and flaring choke is nearly gamebreaking because it completely shuts off Rogues and Stealthed-Druids from doing any of their Burst dmg.

Imo: It's easy to coordinate with your teammates through vent on how many hunters are in que on both sides(also go to www.49pvp.com/qlist/ too see a more exact number) So if you want to, make a 39 hunter but pay attention to the # of Hunters in Que, Having No hunters in the game can kind of screw your entire team over but having too many hunters is completely gamebreaking; it's no fun for anyone.

As far as paladins goes, Paladins are(from my horde-perspective) overpopulated on Horde but not so much on alliance. Like I said check www.49pvp.com/qlist to see a more exact number of how many people/different classes are in que. Having too many paladins isn't as gamebreaking as having too many hunters(from my perspective) but Imo your team benefits SO MUCH from having a flare at choke so by all means, make a 39 hunter but be the bigger man and que with a different twink if there are too many hunters(1 being the mimimum, 3 being the maxmium and your really pushing it at 3). Having at least 2 hunters in your team is perfect because it will protect both your D team and O team from stealthers which no one should be complaining about, even if it's the other team.

Another thing I want to add is Shamans, both sides are low on shamans and shamans have a "flare" of their own. It's called Magma Totem:) Shamans are slightly underpopulated(ele/resto being the most unseen) and their Magma Totem is just as valuable as a hunter's Flare.

TBH Make a twink that you know you will enjoy playing no matter what. Me I love playing healers so I made one :) Just play the class you love to play the most and you'll make a fine twink :D
I am downloading Cata now...haven't played in 4yrs. I see there is still a twink guild on Uldaman both alliance and horde. I was on there alliance side. I still have my 29 hunter, but I think without the newer gear he probably isn't that great. I also have a 19 warrior, but that char could never compare with my 19 rogue or 19 holy paly.

I'll roll a new main I guess. I hear leveling is really fast, as is making gold.
Garden said:
I am downloading Cata now...haven't played in 4yrs. I see there is still a twink guild on Uldaman both alliance and horde. I was on there alliance side. I still have my 29 hunter, but I think without the newer gear he probably isn't that great. I also have a 19 warrior, but that char could never compare with my 19 rogue or 19 holy paly.

I'll roll a new main I guess. I hear leveling is really fast, as is making gold.

When I leveled my mage from 80-85(I didnt focus on dungeons, bgs, or professions at the time) I came out with 6k gold from just questing alone.

Have fun :D
Making money is pretty fast and easy (relatively speaking). I have made about 1000 gold since I started, which is much much faster than 4yrs ago. (Back then it would take a month of hardcore playing to make that much!)

I guess there is 6 years of gold built up and not a lot to spend on.

My advice is go DK for first lvl 85 char as you start at 55 so that gives a week or two advantage in time, and around 60 you can really make a ton of cash. (Made 500g just from mining/herb in one afternoon of farming)

As for 39...good way to sponsor yourself :) I did join the Beejeez on Aerie though...
Sockdolager said:
Can someone please link some best-in-slot prot warrior FCs? Thank you

pretty much this: chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm

you could always go with an enduring cap (24sta/7int unless you have a helm of exile or geen lens of stam), voodoo robe (21sta/7int iirc) and necromancer leggings (21sta/*int).
No Problem, if you have any more questions just keep asking ;)

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