Inb4 trolls cum buckets in this thread...

Ok, all i want to know is if the 39 bracket is dead or not.

If there is a place, an island of hope if you will, where is it?

This island would have to be one with MANY 39s. Enough to keep a game going off and on through the whole day, and several during prime time.

Otherwise im leveling my rogue and warrior out and moving on.

Thanks in advance.
Why can't I sig a thread title
i r can nart read errwhere dat nightfall is waar 39s goeen gaymez konst int frum avternuun tilt mydknight
Deadhed said:
Why can't I sig a thread title

Magnusopus said:
Inb4 trolls cum buckets in this thread...

Just do this w/o the spaces...

[ QUOTE = Magnusopus ] Inb4 trolls cum buckets in this thread... [ / QUOTE ]

Magnusopus said:
Inb4 trolls cum buckets in this thread...
Dinkorastamán said:
Magnusopus... rofl

your Avatar is so lol.. is it u? or some random picture xD

everytime I look at it I laugh hah

This, if it was you, it would make it much funnier imo =D
Me with long hair (almost a year ago)


Me with short hair (present day)


In the first pic i was showing some friends how i went out to buy some nerf swords because....well...


In the second one, i noticed i was wearing the green version of the same shirt so i thought i would fuck with people and take it in the same spot of my room.

If you're a glassesfag like me, check out how bad my eyesight is by looking at the distortion that my lenses cause. Just look at my right eye (left side) and you'll see what I'm talking about. Otherwise...

Don't fap to hard.
Magnusopus said:
looking at the distortion that my lenses cause.

Made me lol once I had noticed it.


I make fun of my friend that has glasses when this happens to pics with him

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