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  1. Questions & Answers

    I was wondering how do you access mailboxes thru GM's? I just got the the achievement for fishing up all the coins in the Dalaran Fountain and they mailed the Titanium Seal. Ive seen other f2ps in bgs with the coin and I want to know how they did it. Thanks for helping!
  2. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Is Lokah and Lohkrah the same person? Just curious... /confused
  3. Before I leave.

    You could of left quietly... This thread just encourages more people to troll you.
  4. Farming Demon band

    Agreed, I also got my from Stockades, barely won the roll though
  5. aerie peak yes no

    Just rolled Chickrogue on AP the other day. Seconds after I made my character I met a paladin named judgement who just rolled a new toon. Its awesome always having other f2p online when your on. I look foward to learning how to use rogue class, and also doing bgs and maybe wargames with the...
  6. is there an actual hunter counter at all?

    Sadly, theres really no other counter than rolling a hunter yourself. On my pally, if they /lol me I get super determined to kill them at all costs. Used AGM, HoP, LoH, all my cooldowns just to get that one beautiful kill.
  7. How can you stand this bracket?

  8. F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

    Forgot me again on this list :( Chickpally @ Nordrassil
  9. Populated F2P Servers

    Damn, sorry I got to this late, but theres about 10+ people playing on Nord when im on. We never join chat cause we dont know how... You just gotta go GS and look for them.
  10. Anyone else having Log In problems?

    After this most recent small patch I try to log in and it takes me to the "choose your server" box. When I try to select my server and log in it wont let me?
  11. CC Diminishing Returns

    You forgot Paladin [prot], Avenger's Shield {Silence}
  12. Noble garden achivements help asap!!!

    I wont be able to play tomorrow on the 14th and was wondering what achivements I need to get before the Noble Garden ends, and which achivements I can get after the event ends. Thanks!
  13. Easy Egg Collection for Mount

    Just do it the legit way, shouldn't take more than 3 hours. If you seriously can't get any move to another town and get eggs from there. You shouldnt have to cheat on a f2p game...
  14. First F2P with Swift Springstrider

    Nice, and Happy Easter! Before i go to bed I just spent 2 hours farming eggs, got around 213 chocolates, rabbit companion, clothes/achivements. Its really fun trolling people who wait and camp for them to appear :P
  15. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Hey i saw this mount In MoP, do u think it will be a rep mount like the ones we have now?
  16. Unlimited Honor???

    Hey i just realised this kid has the Damage Control achivement. It made me come to a conclusion that getting honor could be easy! It might require some premade games and people agreeing. So this is my plan: 1. Make a premade Ally and Horde team 2. Que for Arathi Basin 3. Explain to...
  17. [Damage Control] as a F2P level 20 toon

    It theoretically is possible if no one assualts the bases in Arathi Basin, but thats almost impossible to do unless u make a full premade horde and ally game, this kid that has it is an Aerie Peak character. They probably planned this on purpose.
  18. Every WSG today... *sigh*

    Only thing i think should happen is that horde and ally should grow a pair and stop rolling hunters, especially the 24's. I try not to gy farm, but i usually try to grab the flag from the noob fc and cap it.
  19. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    In the upcomming noble garden event, for the achivement Shake Your Bunny Maker, can the female be an npc level 18? Because idk where your gonna find a female dwarf... Much appreciated!