aerie peak yes no

Never heard of twinking a server before, that might pose some logistical challenges.

Aerie Peak is, however, a great server to make F2P character on. I've recently made the move there myself and am really enjoying it. Of course, there are other servers with active, albeit smaller, communities, and I believe if you look through some recent posts you'll find listings.
I'm guessing you mean is it a good realm to start a f2p twink? If that's the case then the answer is Yes, AP has the largest community in the US and continues to grow so I would definitely suggest AP.
as long as you werent hopeing to get an agm.
Aerie Peak is the best realm to twink on if you are Horde.

For Alliance, pretty much Aerie Peak = Moon Guard = Vashj. They are pretty much equal in terms of people, although Vashj does alot of premades, Moon Guard does some, and Aerie Peak doesn't premade much at all.

Horde on Aerie Peak = Wargames, and premades, and many other neat planned activities. :)

I'm a Moon Guardian. Not for Goldshire, but I RP alot and twink alot, and Moon Guard alliance has a nice F2P alli. Atleast 10-25 on at a time sometimes.
Great server for F2P, but don't expect to ever get AGM.
AP Alliance is considerably larger than MG Alliance. If you don't believe me just join f2ptwink channel in both realms. Also AP Alliance can wargame with AP Horde. The only downside is the difficulty of obtaining AGMs.
Vashj never farmed shit, don't tarnish the name

Then I ask why;

IN the past 3 days, I have que'd for 3 bgs. Out of some god forsaken unfortunate luck, I got stuck in 3 games that already started, 3 games that had 5-6man vashj premade in it, and 3 god dam games that that group was farming us in.

WHY did i get farmed then? Its not like im dumb and just assume they were farming, I was there LOOKING at your guys farming the shit out of us.

But, I didnt mean to start a flame war, so w/e. I probably wouldnt have cared if I was on my priest, but being stuck in a group with retards that keep rezzing and a balance druid isnt sweet.

Screw it, everyone farms. I dont even know why I said anything.

Dont mind me OP, just roll whatever place you want to. Im sure you will be welcomed greatly.
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