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  1. An update on my hunter

    no i'm not a nice gm i'm hard on my guys but i only doit because i care and wand them to be the best they can be. Obv a hunter will never beat a good frost mage if he knows what he's doing. But i do want them to at least put up a better fight.
  2. Critique My Gearing/Gemming/Etc....Frost Mage PvP

    I play battlegrounds so what I'm saying has no reflection in Arena what so ever. I'll tell you right now you want enough resil that rogues aren't able to take you i like around 450-500 resil. Get enough PVE gear with haste so you have around 20%+ haste so your getting 2 frostbolts with early...
  3. automatically updates every 5min. ADD YOUR TEAM!

    FROM Cistara/Virtua: IG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I ended up staying up all night working with a couple of programmers to finish up the site! Twinkranking has been fully scripted and will update every minute now! Sadly there is no way to make it search for every 70 team within the bracket so a...
  4. 200man Public 70 Vent for all guilds/servers

    Topic says it all V41.DARKSTARLLC.COM 4066
  5. Tazik Shocker in arena

    If you fail at bgs, you don't do arena, you basically have zero " twink pvp rep/respect " and so your just trolling.
  6. Tazik Shocker in arena

    Says the guy who loses twice as many games as he wins can't break 2k rating and gets farmed everygame?
  7. Need help with

    That's not me troll. I'm just posting this to help a buddy get the site up this season for the community, what does that have to do with topic at hand?
  8. Need help with

    Were trying to update the top 2s and 3s and rated bgs rankings for this season. We will be looking for experienced programmers, web designers and graphic designers to help me polish it up and get a very nice final project together. If you are interested in a spot on the team email me at...
  9. Tazik Shocker in arena

    I dont see what the big deal is about tazik in arena. We got rank 1 in the world in 3s last night without any taziks going up against teams with double/triple tazik. If you need tazik to win then your baddddddd. Venture Fail 3s @ Nightfall - Game - World of Warcraft
  10. Highest 2s rating on US.

    raging chubbies @ Retaliation - Game - World of Warcraft almost 2600
  11. US BG Queue Wait Times

    How do we go from having 3-4 bgs at once sometimes 2 av's to having nothing? You can't fucking tell me everyone is doing ZG. Heck we already did ZG and that Years ago why the fuck are we doing it again!? It's just a matter of time before they bring back molten core or were doing a super...
  12. (US) 70 Arena

    yeah there is a few 5x tazik teams. Here's one only bads QQ bout tazik @ Stormstrike - Game - World of Warcraft
  13. (US) 70 Arena

    True but 5 taziks in 5s is nothing to joke about, Resil stacked or not.
  14. (US) 70 Arena

    Here's the only rule for 5s if you can honor it. If you think 5 tazik shockers is as gay as i do then how about we boycotte shocker for 5s making it the only rule to keep the games interesting. Or else it turns into both teams hitting 1 button and somebody drops.
  15. (US) 70 Arena

    Alright if you want well setup some games against you. My partners are mostly all just ultra casuals who don't really play there 70s but will login to play some games. I dont know if we can get arena master just playing ourselfs but hit me up if you want to setup some games. Qpác @ The...
  16. (US) 70 Arena

    Why all the trolling?
  17. (US) 70 Arena

    Just after cata it said tazik and all the other eng shit was not usable in arena but was. They should have just made it so.
  18. (US) 70 Arena

    Hoping they will make tazik shocker and springs no longer useable in arena like it was supposed to be. It's rough going against half or full tazik shocker/spring teams when you dont got shit. I think our 3s is the only high rated 3s team in US thats not carried but those 2 tinkers...