Tazik Shocker in arena

amen witty
Burningcrusade said:
Fuck off, it hits 6k through 570 resil. and tbh ... it carrys you
You must be trolling because I get hit for 2k-3k with 540-560 resil on my ret.
people tend to lie to make it seem superduperop.

in all honesty tazik should get a massive buff, and a lvl req, so that its good @ 85 and not usable by twinks
Falkor said:
people tend to lie to make it seem superduperop.

in all honesty tazik should get a massive buff, and a lvl req, so that its good @ 85 and not usable by twinks

This. Really. My mage's Ice Lance is hitting harder on unfrozen targets than Tazik Shocker is. It really needs a major damage buff or its cooldown should be reduced down to 30-45seconds. 3.2k hits on resil targets fml.
Im not choosing any side, i dont mind if it stays or gets 'fixed'

But just for the record i get critted for 6k on chars with around 400 resi.

so i agree if people find this anoying but this item is available for everyone so if you cant stand ppl who uses it, get one urself =)
I really don't care about taziks since I rarely have serious problems with them when I have sufficient resil and stam.

However, I would not shed a single tear if they went away. Even without them and synapse Eng would still by far be the best proff.
Nannou said:
Anyone who is defending tazik at level 70 should really get their heads straight...

its only because they spent alot of gold getting it...but its retarted...if a mage gets its gg he globals any none resi stacking healer.
Scarcity said:
its only because they spent alot of gold getting it...but its retarted...if a mage gets its gg he globals any none resi stacking healer.

Yeah, I get that - I have engineering myself but I refuse to use it. It's just cheese and it makes every kill feel cheap.
legit triple tazik team party chat

'ok guys, im gonna poly the priest coz hes only dispeller. hardcast something then pop tazik altogether'

5secs later

'nice job guys, ready to queue again?'
Soberlolz said:
be quite trash tink and learn to not iceblock at 90% hp with hots rolling trash tink is trash

Says the guy who loses twice as many games as he wins can't break 2k rating and gets farmed everygame?

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