Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

Its kind of funny how everyone has their own time that they get on the forums and check out the new threads that were made while they were gone. here's one i capped of meat's


Its kind of funny how everyone has their own time that they get on the forums and check out the new threads that were made while they were gone. here's one i capped of meat's



Lol, i was actually thinking about doing the same thing when i logged on earlier.
Good news everyone. Tetarius now got 3 (THREE) keybinds . 3x moar effective backpeddle and even faster reactions vs rogues and casterz!


As you can see i have Q on AMS , E on chains and F on engi heal !!!
MOAR QQQ from lvl ones plx

well mr angry person has a point, the more you queue up with your 10 man premades and what not the less people are gonna want to queue up for bgs, meaning your own queues will become longer, kinda simple logics
well mr angry person has a point, the more you queue up with your 10 man premades and what not the less people are gonna want to queue up for bgs, meaning your own queues will become longer, kinda simple logics

so what.

There are lots of ppl in this bracket, you can sometimes get AV 40x40 at late night. QQers will leave, other ppl will join ( i mean the bracket itself, not a single BG). Their problems if they are not organised and clueless,skillless,brainless,lagging,QQing about their curve hands, low gear or(and) w/e they have in a TWINK BRACKET WITH LOCKED XPIRIENCE which means : way higher skills, pvp expirience and gear. If they cant beat a common premade leaded by me , who doesnt have much pvp expirience compared to some other twinks and just have some logic and eyes ( who and where to go/def/attack etc) that can be beaten ( and was beaten by some Germans/Frostwhisper and other premades/Russian horde premades) - what are they doing in this bracket?

If they (QQers, trolls, noobs ) expect semi-afking and getting free honor and achieves - they should gtfo from this bracket and go lvl to 85 and be again beaten by way higher skilled premades and start farming daily/LFR,- OR play properly there and be happy. Make your own premades - guild or real id, - and beat enemies: isnt it what twink BGs are supposed to be? If you got beaten by a 5-10man grp leaded by a ~1700 rated person who have basic strategy and some logic OR (way worse) if your premade got beaten constantly (like 1600-0 AB win) - i have very bad news for those individuals - you arent twinks, but just group of randoms who "plays" on bg's.

The only challenging enemies for me versus who i ENJOY fighting are Frostwhisper / Stormreaver/Stormscale/Outland/Taren Mill (or w/e) twink premades, Germans with their "awesome" 74 taziks and Russians. When you play versus a strong enemy and win it- you train your skills, finds some strategies/tricks/ways to win, it gives you satisfaction about how awesome you are; if you LOSE to the strong enemy - it also gives you expirience about how to improve something and also give alot of fun.

PS: wrote the entire post from my mind without any word/grammar correction, so telling sry if i failed somewhere.

PPS: if "LVL One MR Angry Person" 's (aka /soothe) 741 Resilience ( almost sure that's him) cant save him from being farmed while being BoP'ed by paladin etc- well, i can just /lol and teabag

PS3: if you get beaten by premades constantly , want to stayin this bracket and still be semi-afk - then reroll alliance. but dont QQ when you will be beaten by horde premades
long post about premades

Tetairus, the problem that people have is not with premades beating the other team in WSG. It's the fact that you farm them for 25 minutes at their graveyard rather than just capping three flags. Forming premades is a great way to knit a community together and add competition to the bracket - GY farming is a great way to disintegrate a bracket and create animosity.
Tetairus, the problem that people have is not with premades beating the other team in WSG. It's the fact that you farm them for 25 minutes at their graveyard rather than just capping three flags. Forming premades is a great way to knit a community together and add competition to the bracket - GY farming is a great way to disintegrate a bracket and create animosity.
If you kill me kill brother or bot
If you see in grp [font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Master of bubble and rocket boots [/font][font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]you see me

If his bubble's on cooldown, you goin' down like a sack of potatoes mama
If you kill me kill brother or bot
If you see in grp [font=trajan,tahoma,arial,verdana,tahoma,sans-serif]Master of bubble and rocket boots [/font][font=trajan,tahoma,arial,verdana,tahoma,sans-serif]you see me
Not sure if you havn't realised master of bubble and rocket boots actually isnt a compliment, just checkin

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