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  1. Which private server

    I've had a lot of fun on Exigence's pvp server Exodus You're instant 80 on character creation, access to full Savage gear to start with Hateful and then Deadly bought with participation tokens (30 arena tokens for hateful gloves etcetc). The other gear available are wrath lvl 80 (not current...
  2. IRL Mechs! At last!

    From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend; the legend of Voltron, Defender of the Universe, a mighty robot, loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. On Planet Earth, a Galaxy Alliance was formed. Together with...
  3. [Warning!] Twink Leveling Exploit

    yes pretty sure there was a news bit a while ago about it.. I tried to dig it up this afternoon to no avail I could've sworn there was blue text condemning that place
  4. [Warning!] Twink Leveling Exploit

    I thought MMOwned was hit with a CnD from Blizzard?
  5. Druid Buff

    It's a ---huge--- buff to the druid class. Druids have been bugging out about this almost as long as Mages/Rogues have been QQ'ing about Blink/Vanish
  6. yo yo.

    gratuitous use of "playa" made me cringe but other than that I was amused :)
  7. The one blizzard game that comes close to WoW

    the Marine is the easiest to play. the witchdoctor is fucking annoying
  8. Seven liters of cola a day...

    none taken I'd much rather have no-calorie water keep me hydrated all day than go around chugging milk. If that's representable of a "problem" then I'm ok with that. :)
  9. Got this from

    at the "Are these on my target" phase with the Ice Block and Pally bubbles.. why does it tell you to Eviscerate? I guess the assumption is wait out the invulnerabilities and boom on them once they're up but..
  10. Twilight LOLZ

    Sex sells.. even to prepubescent teens South Park summed it up I like how half-assed the comic's premise is. What does it take to make sock puppets? a sock and some googly eyes/glue. I giggled
  11. Seven liters of cola a day...

    It doesn't take long, Maerduk, at least it didn't for me. I used to drink a lot of soda daily (nowhere near 7L); when I started working out and streamlining my diet I eventually had to start weaning myself off with diet sodas and then to where I'm at now with the sugar substitutes etc. I used...
  12. Dwarf Rogue?

    Stoneform is almost literally the only reason to ever roll a dwarf. Or rather, it used to be... with the nerf to the immunity it's kind of bleh now
  13. Seven liters of cola a day...

    I didn't imply that you did.. .. or it wasn't my intention at any rate. Milk is good.. but it's not a "any time of day/before-after exercise/on the run" type of beverage (not to me anyways).. the vitamins are great but the fat content is kinda crazy even in the 2% The only time I drink...
  14. Seven liters of cola a day...

    Crystal Light I feel great after drinking water all day.. Much better than I would if I sucked down liters of pepsi and tried to do anything more than watch tv/sleep on sofa
  15. Seven liters of cola a day...

    What the hell? How in the world does someone drink that much soda in a day? That's 20 20oz.. I understand that when you're pregnant, diet/wants change but jesus that's a ton of soda. Maybe I'm shocked because I drink only water (2L/day) but even at my most it's around a gallon/day...
  16. Making a trial account for my brother

    From you don't need a credit card or trial keys to create a trial account. I've done this many times. Just click on the "10 day free trial!" button and create an account. It'll let you dl the client from there or if you've already got it, you can start play with your new...
  17. Biggest waste of time you've ever done on your twink

    Now that I have some perspective and looking back.. my whole wow career was a pretty solid waste of time My twinks were only a small part of that.
  18. So I take it WoW twinking hasn't died?

    If they weren't any good (and the people who --needed-- 3k hp weren't) then their exodus from the twink community is no big loss. Our community has always been a small (relatively) contingent of good players who know what they're doing surrounded by a massive orgy of bads in stamina gear...
  19. So I take it WoW twinking hasn't died?

    It was never in any real danger...