Biggest waste of time you've ever done on your twink

Farming the explorer title with my 39 druid was kinda waste of time.. and I enraged a view times :D
Now that I have some perspective and looking back..

my whole wow career was a pretty solid waste of time

My twinks were only a small part of that.
life is a waste of time lol
eat healthy, keep fit, take drugs, get laid, have kids, grow old, die anyway.
Taking my friend's old wow account and creating a 49 moonkin twink on it so I could self run him through instances and gear up easier. Obtaining 4 maxed enchanted gearsets on him, 1 for resto, one for moonkin (which included spellshock leggings), 1 for bear/fc, and an AP feral set. Farming Maraudon for 8+ hours a day to get blade of eternal darkness, which I never did end up getting. Buying the plan for and then giving it to a BS friend along with the mats so I could get a badass boomkin mace made for me when I finally decided to level my twink. Getting reported for doing an exploit I never did in a bg and then having blizz find out I wasn't the original owner of the account by IP address or some shit and getting the account banned immediately after I transferred 3k gold over that I farmed on my main, to max out JC and engi so I could use the epic gogs at lvl 60...PRICELESS...
~100 runs into Gnomer for Charged Gear of the Eagle and Stamina.

Then 283 (I kid you not) runs into SM lib for Deadmans Hand, when they introduced it.

Then realizing I'm a Mp5 whore and using the WSG ring at all times, with either the lvl 18 WSG rind of DMH in the second slot... I still have that Charged Gear somewhere... I think... :D

Perfecting a 29 hunter, wayy back in the day (pre-aimedshot MS), and dinging from *having* to hand in the AB quest to get access to the AB belt reward vendor. (eventually became my first 70, lvling was cake with +15 agi to two weapons! :D)

Having an ex-friend telling me to "go ahead and make some twinks on my account, so you can use your main to run them through, and I can log on and Q bgs with you"... and then having him sell the account a month or two later. >.<

I would have to say getting the Diplomat title.

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