So I take it WoW twinking hasn't died?

I've been off WoW since, oh, November, but I'm supposed to finally be getting "broadband" again in the next week or so, and I'm debating coming back. Reading up on all the changes in 3.1 etc kinda scared me off; seemed like balance was going to be totally tossed out the window (I've got Paladins in 3 brackets, 2 currently ret and the 3rd with most of the gear for it, and I'd get bored of being OP rather fast).

So, what's the word? Are things just ridiculous? Have they balanced out somewhat? Is any bracket just getting trashed by certain class/spec combos?

I've got a 29 paladin (around the 95% geared level for every spec), 29 shaman (likewise), 39 paladin (holy but lots of various gear as well), 49 fire mage (glass cannon, has some other gear but not much), and 59 paladin (90% ret gear, 70-80% for holy or prot). I also don't have any Heirloom items (I left before Wrath...), how required are they? What should I expect if I came back? And, crap, I'd have to go get a bunch of Librams too...

I suppose I should mention that I'm in Bloodlust BG, US, and not planning on transferring; I know there are often BG specific dynamics going on, so anyone with firsthand experience from Bloodlust would be welcome (Lloyd?).
no clue about bloodlust, but on rampage its pretty even i guess. hunters still do the best but not as good, pallys do good too but you wont get bored of it. even with the 3.1 patch notes twinking is still going strong, you just cant crutch on HP anymore. NO MORE LIBRAMS so dont bother getting em.
Cptheal said:
no clue about bloodlust, but on rampage its pretty even i guess. hunters still do the best but not as good, pallys do good too but you wont get bored of it. even with the 3.1 patch notes twinking is still going strong, you just cant crutch on HP anymore. NO MORE LIBRAMS so dont bother getting em.

Ah yeah, forgot about that. Even my 59 won't need them either, because the blue leg kits are like 55, right?

Also, even if I don't have to libram up I still have to get new legs for everyone. Sucks for my 29 paladin, he already wasted the gnomer quest on the +defense chest, no Triprunners for him :-/

I wasn't much of a HP crutcher anyway, my gear is usually a much higher balance of damage to health. Hmmm... well, I guess I'll have to try it out for a month and see.
If they weren't any good (and the people who --needed-- 3k hp weren't) then their exodus from the twink community is no big loss.

Our community has always been a small (relatively) contingent of good players who know what they're doing surrounded by a massive orgy of bads in stamina gear, surrounded further by the tons of people who don't twink and spend 3 BGs getting smoked before moving on.

long rant short, no I don't count those people

Personally i'm finding it alot harder to do shit i could do back in the days..
Ah, my concern wasn't so much the loss of HP per se, as it was that combined with already high DPS setups (some of which got buffed... see ret pallies) making for an instagib-fest that would be lame in the extreme. I heard a few horror posts from 39's getting roflstomped by even nontwink ret pallies and I was concerned that 1. it would last and 2. it wouldn't be restricted to 39's. Playing brackets dominated (and I mean dominated, not just "yeah, they're better, but not *that* much better*) by 1-2 classes doesn't sound like fun (I'm not sure I'd be ready to venture in to 59 just yet. I hear it's still 70% DK; even if they aren't actually crazy-good, it's still boring)
Sparhawk said:
Ah, my concern wasn't so much the loss of HP per se, as it was that combined with already high DPS setups (some of which got buffed... see ret pallies) making for an instagib-fest that would be lame in the extreme. I heard a few horror posts from 39's getting roflstomped by even nontwink ret pallies and I was concerned that 1. it would last and 2. it wouldn't be restricted to 39's. Playing brackets dominated (and I mean dominated, not just "yeah, they're better, but not *that* much better*) by 1-2 classes doesn't sound like fun (I'm not sure I'd be ready to venture in to 59 just yet. I hear it's still 70% DK; even if they aren't actually crazy-good, it's still boring)

I think that the "roflstomping" people were complaining about had to do with the buff to exorcism that allowed it to be used on any type of mob or human player. It quickly got nerfed out of the pvp realm though, so it's no longer a problem. I wouldn't really rank paladin as being the best in every bracket nor would I say that 1-2 classes completely dominate brackets, but paladins and hunters were up there for awhile. Now I'd just say that hunters from 19-39 are pretty dominant in damage and survivability.

Drops in hp for stam stacking scrubs has come as a blessing (I would have to say) and has balanced things quite evenly across the brackets for most classes. You're still going to see a lot of ridiculous amounts of burst in the 49 bracket that you won't in lower brackets and it does quickly become an annoying gib vs gib fest. Favoritism towards one damage class vs another isn't really too prevalent anymore though. Also be aware that SL/SL locks now exist at 49 which is painfully annoying as of late, especially if you want to use exo on their pets and no longer can...

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