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  1. Questions & Answers

    Re-posting this since no answer :3 Thanks for reading!
  2. Questions & Answers

    Is reputation now account wide or not? Should I make first a female dwarf mage, a male troll warlock or a female tauren ret pal after my shadowpriest? Thanks for reading
  3. Mage race

    Sooner or later they willl i tell you :)
  4. Mage race

    female dwarf are the only race who have their hair moving when they cast which is so hipster and coolswag :3
  5. Mage race

    Humm I don't think so, there are more represented than the Dwarf female mage or orc female mage imo. Dwarf female is like the least played race/gender combo X) (not counting pandarens)
  6. Mage race

    Go Female dwarf or female orc, best races ever
  7. Does anybody else feel sick..

    Don't worry my next rerolls are mage/shadow priest/enhance sham/lock/ret pally!
  8. Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    Yeah the hit scaling thing is getting pretty old even though the pvp trinket change is quite cool... I want to be able to roll a Warlock or a mage but thanks to the shitty hit thing I cannot :/
  9. Tweaking our twinks?

    Really really nice! I am considering being the underdog (since baldruid is not longer challenging to play...) by making a mage reroll. But I'd like him to be fire, do you know by any chance if crit stacking might be better than int stacking as fire spec? (considering crit means more pyro...
  10. Things Blizz could implement at low levels

    Just Put back Skirmish already and It will be fine.
  11. PvP video Mistweaver monk. Invocation|One

    I have a weird question regarding your video. You seem to know how to play your class/spec. But I have yet to understand why you always tend to pvp trinket the cc on you instead of dispelling them with your own dispel... I know it's on cd and stuff, but since you team with a druid who is immune...
  12. Questions & Answers

    I would do that if you could tell me your char name and faction so I can pm you fast enough, or just pm me the "how-to" directly on TI, whatever ^^ Anyway thanks for the help!
  13. "Useful Hunter Pets for CC."

    Everyone seems to forget about Basiliks, who happen to have a Cyclone-like ability which petrifies someone for 3 sec (immune to heal/damage and stunned) and is on a 1 min cd, always useful for clutch kills especially in Arena or Premade!
  14. Questions & Answers

    Well I have the exact opposite story, my Baldruid is a tauren and I wish he was a troll for the extra burst the racial gives. But if you think tauren is a better option for elem sham i guess I'll have to go Tauren ! Since I don't really have much pref between races (except I hate goblin leveling...
  15. Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    I like how Blizz starts to balance some spec in a good way and makes changes that only affect at specific levels, it is starting to look good!
  16. Questions & Answers

    Thanks for the quick answer! Well I'll make a shaman then, Which race would be BIS? I assume either troll or Pandaren, but I'm not quite sure(maybe gobelin for the blink-like ability though?)! Too bad for the lack of slow fall items, I would've loved to slowfall blazing speed/ demonic leap with...
  17. Questions & Answers

    Hi everyone! I have a lot of questions out there so I'm gonna post about them (this is like my first post on the forum :O): -I currently have a Baldruid horde side on AP us, but I would like to reroll something less overpowered...But as entertaining (or even more actually). I currently have...
  18. Playing a CC Hunter - 5.0.4 - A Guide

    Hey! Was wondering if the petrifying gaze was exactly like cyclone (immunity to damage AND heal, and no dispellable) or if it wasn't. If it's exactly like cyclone it would be pretty awesome in arena for set up kills even in a 1 min cd...
  19. 19 Wargame - Dishonor WSG

    That may be weird but i actually think elemsham is a rly good at this dishonor wsg, the thunderdurp is a great emergency button/interrupt and if you land it well you can even help your war get a kill by bumping on char to the war position^^ also the snare totem along with the short cd interrupt...
  20. Reroll Regrets.

    Sorry but I'm going to sport your mog as a female tauren, and it will be sexy! You heard it first !