Search results

  1. Custard

    Best Premade Comp (5.4)

    We havn't actually organised a guild pre since early summer. Activity has literally only just begun to shoot back up the last week or two hence the guild pre this weekend. Pretty sure once a solid team is sorted we will.
  2. Custard

    P2P 20-24 List

    Replace Pnutz with Gdot @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft and stick Dìsco @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft up there too. Cheers :)
  3. Custard

    Mages and Warlocks

    Destro's damage is up there amongst the best. People drop like flies, then again so will you. Grab some decent support and lock is incredibly viable/fun to play.
  4. Custard

    <Gurubashi Surf Club> - Ravencrest - Alliance

    Dan recently just got back. Pretty sure there's a few people hanging around still , should be possible to put something together with a lil organising and getting hold of everyone.
  5. Custard

    5.4 Enchants Shortcut

    Although Sunfire/Soulfrost are showing up as their default on the weapon, they are indeed scaling down to 38/40 respectively within your SP stats and the enchant tooltip itself.
  6. Custard

    5.4 Enchants

    Re: 5.4 Enchants Shortcut Although Sunfire/Soulfrost are showing up as their default on the weapon, they are indeed scaling down to 38/40 respectively within your SP stats and the enchant tooltip itself.
  7. Custard

    BiS Caster Item Enhancements

    They're static not procs, and the majority of caster weapon enchs say melee :) As disc, Windsong is proving really strong, especially when both the crit and haste are proccing on top of each other and they do proc incredibly often. As far as caster dps , personally I prefer static stats...
  8. Custard

    Guild vs Guild Premading (10v10)

    EU is practically non-existant right now, don't hold your breath. :p
  9. Custard

    Farming v Containing

    Solo q'd against familiar faces of 5 SP's + 4 Hunters throughout all of last night. Naturally the 'containment' of our half afk/majority spanish team began quickly all game/every game. Legend has it we broke out to the hut at one point. In all seriousness tho, if that's their idea of fun...
  10. Custard

    WTB HOTSHOT PILOTS - Draenor [H]

    Quit making a fool out of yourself. Please, it's boring. OT : Good luck with the guild chaps, hopefully Guru activity picks up soon and we can organise something down the line :)
  11. Custard

    BIS Chardev priest 24 ?

    I've never found not shielding someone fast enough a problem, but each to their own I suppose mate :) We're talking a fraction of a second (well under 0.5) by gearing haste. Disc is all about strong absorbs and high uptime on Aegis. I'd rather pre shield players and build strong DA's up than...
  12. Custard

    Are Shammys really that bad?

    Not sure what gave you that idea :confused: What Yndi said.
  13. Custard

    BIS Chardev priest 24 ?

    Would go with crit/int over haste any day of the week, whilst picking up herb for the on demand oh shit moments. DA is incredibly strong, considering you'll spend most of your time pumping out absorbs left right and centre. Having high DA uptime with doubled PW:S's is crucial with burst as it...
  14. Custard

    P2P 20-24 List

    Pnutz @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft :)
  15. Custard

    Is it just me?

    Wouldn't be too sure about that. Personally I find alliance is pretty grim atm. Tend to find horde dominate most games as they seem absolutely riddled with healers, perhaps 4-6 every game compared to maybe 1 or 2 with alliance, at least in my experience. Spanish merge didn't really help...
  16. Custard

    24 Premade WSG

    Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion None of that should be a problem. Those that sign up I'm guessing are willing to respect the rules, get on with it, have a good time and enjoy. Those who can't respect them have no need to sign up and take part at all, simple. Their reasoning for...
  17. Custard

    24 Premade WSG

    Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion Im in. Most likely on rsham. And quit all the nonsense. It's just a bit of fun.
  18. Custard

    What WoW expansion do you thnk was the best?

    TBC without a doubt. The excitement of exploring a new continent and the originality of the new areas, which the other two just failed to do completely as they felt more of a large rehash of old content. + TBC end game was amazing.
  19. Custard

    EU 24 Twinks, where are you?

    True, I have to admit the 24 ratio for EU is very much in favour for horde atm but don't worry we are around and there have been some great games recently. I think it mainly comes down to queue times which tends to put some players off, but do have a look out , we try to be around every day.
  20. Custard

    What classes do you want to see more of

    Warriors/Locks/Mages could do with some extra love. Think I've caught glimpse of 1 lock over the past few months. Mages themselves are incredibly versatile to play as and pump out some great damage , however having 6+ hunters every other bg does make you want to curl up in a ball and pretend...