Are Shammys really that bad?

I literally just woke up so I can't tell if serious. Ele is the best spec in this bracket imo. Or does bad = op?
I recently geared up a Resto/Ele sha. From what I've gathered so far is that Resto shams are very viable, they offer excellent heals and have good survivability. As far as Ele goes, the spec is a blast to play and can pump out some pretty good dps, it also has excellent utility both of offence (frost shocking EFC's and TS'ing his heals out of range) And on defense (Rolling with the FC, providing off heals and punting people off roof). They only issue I have is that I find Ele to be quite squishy at times, but I'm use to playing a prot pally.

Nôodles @ Darkspear - Community - World of Warcraft

My shammy, still needs to finish profs and change some enchants.
I dont really understand the question, but elementals are really strong atm.
Sorry for the confusion, I was thinking Lithology currently is BiS and the character I am going to copy.

What about play style tho; can they still dish out deese dps @24
fulmination is op
Yes, i'm currently hitting ~200 lightning bolt with 5-600 crits and fulm is critting for 1k+.

if its Lithology @ Anub'arak - Community - World of Warcraft you're talking about i would disagree.

I've got almost 6% more crit, 1.63% more haste, and 21 more sp. the only real trade off is that he has 200 more hp than me.
Yndigo @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft

He is resto there is no way you can judge him since beside his leg he is bis for resto, you for you part you are ele you just aim crit and stuff... 200 HP is very usefull, and loosing 21 spell isn't a big deal since it's heal for 10 more... Haste okay that's the lack of his leg but crit it's because as resto you don't have to sacrifice a decent amount of HP for crit...
He is resto there is no way you can judge him since beside his leg he is bis for resto, you for you part you are ele you just aim crit and stuff... 200 HP is very usefull, and loosing 21 spell isn't a big deal since it's heal for 10 more... Haste okay that's the lack of his leg but crit it's because as resto you don't have to sacrifice a decent amount of HP for crit...

Oh i didnt realize he was resto, my bad.
Lith's setup is for resto thus he won't need the crit. Now before you go 24 you should consider 20. Both of my 20s nearly 300 spellpower and 3500 health scaled with full buffs. You reall only lose a little crit and frost shock. Plus you can always level up to 24
Sweetsidney @ Cenarius - Community - World of Warcraft

Sweettsidney @ Alexstrasza - Community - World of Warcraft ...

They are both geared the same except for faction specific items unless I just happened to log out with different gear sets.

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Lith's setup is for resto thus he won't need the crit. Now before you go 24 you should consider 20. Both of my 20s nearly 300 spellpower and 3500 health scaled with full buffs. You reall only lose a little crit and frost shock. Plus you can always level up to 24
Sweetsidney @ Cenarius - Community - World of Warcraft

Sweettsidney @ Alexstrasza - Community - World of Warcraft ...

They are both geared the same except for faction specific items unless I just happened to log out with different gear sets.


Loosing frost shock isn't an option in my eyes.
Frost Shock isn't a deal breaker. You get used to being without it. Now if it was purge, that would be something different. As I said before, if you can't handle the loss of frost shock and water walking , not to mention endless Gnomer runs, just go on up to 24. There are very few classes that scale well at 20 and spell/gear loss is reasonable and shaman is one of them. I am not hear to debate it, just give my opinion on the matter.

BTW, if you are going to make an elemental, better hurry. Arathi Basin is this weekend, WHEEEEEeeeeee!
Have a nice day all...

Ele sham in this bracket is alot of fun - crazy utility without being OP. If you are playing it right you will be very engaged.

IMO the most well balanced spec right now in the bracket.

I just rolled a 24 Ele Shammy, it's loads of fun. It's a long way off having BiS but it still does well enough. Love the utility, even if it's just to irritate Disc / Shadow priests by removing their bubbles :D

But I did kinda know what to expect from an Ele - having levelled two of them to 90 this Expansion.
Thank you kindly for the positive feedback :)

Just incase you needed anymore convincing, here's a quick video of a Free to Play shaman in action, and if a F2P can do this, just imagine what your 24 could do ^.^
(1600 Fulmination, 850 Lightning Bolt in PvP, wasn't on stacks either.)

I strongly recommend you roll one, it's a lot of fun and this bracket needs more shammies!

The gear I used should hopefully be here;

Montage 1 - Rebirth, Elemental Destruction - YouTube
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