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  1. What class at 24 dominates you?

    On my hunter, only other hunters or good healers. On my priest, 24 rogues always give me trouble.
  2. How to - Organize War Games and Premades!

    It doesn't work. I'm assuming you haven't even tried it.
  3. Premades/10v10 Wargames

    And I'm assuming you've tried this...No? K, thought so. We tried this a few days ago for at least half an hour and kept having issues.
  4. Gonna make a lvl 20 twink on AP

    Just roll what you want. It's not like you're going to get an unbiased answer here.
  5. QQ Hunters are too OP!

    Lol nice. 7 hunters and they couldn't cap one flag? Wow.
  6. about 24s posting here

    Because the majority of them aren't making useful posts and instead are attempting to troll the F2P. I say attempt, because let's face it all of them have failed miserably at trolling. And technically 24 isn't f2p :P
  7. Full team Premades are a bust!!!! GM Chat inside!!

    We had p2p accounts as leaders. Not sure if the horde side gave lead to a F2P account though.
  8. 5v5 Arena

    Lucky I had so much latency :P I got it all patched up(sort of) though so I'm good to go for when we do this again.
  9. For the Horde! Victorious screenshots for the naysayers.

    I remember I played against one horde group on my priest that was probably the most entertaining battle I've had in a while. In short, horde would cap then alliance would cap so we were at 2-2 with alliance winning if the time ran out. Holy paladin grabbed the flag at about 6 minutes left and...
  10. So farming..

    What? Tell me how it's preventable to not get gy camped. It's not, it happens every game. And by the rogue I mean he's going to get mauled by AoE considering any smart player will spam AoE on the gy so they can prevent rogues from getting through. Although I can't remember what levels...
  11. Tips to Avoid Cross-Faction Battleground Farming: It Starts With You!

    I rolled a hunter because I'm bad :]
  12. you don't like 24s because they stop you from farming

    Still trolling are we? Man you're pathetic. Also, you have no hunter, stop making threats so you can feel big. Most of us are actually laughing at you.
  13. So farming..

    The problem is you can't get past the gy to even get to the efc. The only way it would be possible while being camped is as a rogue. But considering you'd be attacked before you stealth it's impossible to get there unless your team somehow manages to recover.
  14. you don't like 24s because they stop you from farming

    No, the reason I don't like them is because the only reason people roll them is to take advantage over the f2p accounts. Face it, without f2p this bracket would be dead.
  15. Tips to Avoid Cross-Faction Battleground Farming: It Starts With You!

    I like how you say the same thing every post. You'd think someone would be smart enough to stop already, but apparently this isn't the case. Anyway you pay the game to do the same exact thing we do. I don't get it. So why exactly is it better? And you do realize anyone can gy...
  16. So farming..

    You're using childish phrases like u mad , u jelly etc etc. and most of your posts are flaming/harassing others. If you aren't trolling, at least speak like a civilized individual.
  17. So farming..

    And you seem to have nothing to do besides troll a forum. I wonder how long it'll take before you're banned. @nohealsforju It really won't take much to stop gy farming, all they have to do is make the gy higher than it is and give you a slow fall buff. Problem solved.
  18. /spit, chain sap, etc, the 24s...

    Well played sir. Anyway, what I mean is the reason there are level 20 twinks is because...well it's F2P. Level 24s are taking advantage of that so they twink just so they can be on top. And really a trial twink isn't really all that special. All you get is low level enchants, even someone...
  19. /spit, chain sap, etc, the 24s...

    Are any of your posts even constructive or are you so pathetic the only reason you have this account is to troll? Yes, and we're the 12 year olds. /roll eyes Anyway the reason 24s are even popular is because of trials being stuck in the xp off bracket. Just a bunch of noobs looking for...
  20. So farming..

    The issue with gy farming is it's a complete waste of yours and your opponents time. Who cares if "they did it first". What is this kindergarten now? If you won you won, fair as that. Keeping the flag in your base while the rest of your team griefs your opponents is just pathetic beyond words I...