Full team Premades are a bust!!!! GM Chat inside!!

Tried for 30 minutes to get everyone to push the button at the same time. I only saw it actually tried twice.

If you want to test war games, don't bother grouping with the ADHD crowd (or at least the ones who are worse than me).
Xeneth said:
Trust me, people from other country's don't capitalize america.

You know how you never hear any "good" racist jokes about white people? Because African slaves have had hundreds of years to come up with them and 90% of them are far more politically incorrect than the harshest "black joke". It's pretty much the same idea with america and the other countries around the world.

You know that feeling when you walk into the room and everyone gets quiet ant looks at you like they were JUST talking about you? You're america.

Lol funny slavery was not in America first. You remember the asiento? Ya Spanish started slave trade they controlled slave trade guess what they made slave trade in England(also the first country to abolish it), France(One of the countries that soon abolished it after), Dutch(these guys are truly racist Boers look them up) and guess what they sent slaves to their colonies and in Africa they enslaved them and forced them to work (cut down trees farm).... So they obviously used slaves more yet every one looks the other way. And look at American and yell injustice yet you go to where they came from and see it is in utter chaos due to European influence then European decline.

(Wonder why i talked about slavery well the idea that white men are superior to the "lesser" black men came from Europe not America)

I don't get. You seem to dislike Americans yet you are playing an All-American game... Kind of a double standard. If you think it is not an All-American game maybe you should look at the WoW calendar then look at an American calendar and see how all the Holidays line-up.
if i'm not mistaken, in order to do war games, you HAVE to all be in the same group. this goes for arenas or BGs.

you can't just queue up for them separately like you can for regular battlegrounds.

i already know that f2p twinks cannot queue together with more than 5 people no matter what, so there at the very least needs to be a p2p player leading each war game group.

if this is tested and still doesn't work, we should do what yasueh suggested and use a simul-queue mod for regular BGs. this would accomplish the same thing if executed correctly.
Personally, I think it would be worth trying to get 10 patient people--5 horde, 5 alliance, 1 of each who has a P2P account--to try it again. The system seemed to be working, but what people aren't reporting in this thread yet is that we had other complications: we had one person who had the deserter flag, we had groups with differing numbers, and we had people linkdead in the groups... just bad timing. I don't think it's quite time yet to put the nail in this coffin.

Yes, I'm saying all that with full awareness of what the Blizzard rep said. I think that it is possible he is wrong, that he gave a quick answer to a leading question, or that he blew you off because of your account status. I also, incidentally, think that it is completely wrong-headed, for both paying players here and GMs in game, to dismiss trial accounts. Blizzard created the business model because they hope to gain new paying customers out of it: they already have the business of the paying customers, and if they want more, then they're not going to alienate a potential revenue stream. I'm not saying they're going to fix a trial account's problems before a paying customer's problems, but I am saying that it would behoove them to respect everyone who shows any interest in the game... and it would behoove P2P members of this community to do the same. If you really want even some of us to consider paying for an account and joining you in BGs, you aren't going to get many converts with your vinegar and vitriol. You can't goad, cajole, or shame someone into doing what you want them to do... we should all know that by now.

Having said all that, I would be willing at any time I'm on to do some coordinated testing of the Wargames system. I am patient and have the vent info, and I have a vested interest in seeing the community prosper. Well, that is to say, we all have a vested interest in seeing the community prosper... I, for one, am willing to step up to help in the work to make that happen.
Its a matter of finding the right GM as with on a p2p account. I had Corpse Rompers TRANSFERRED to a friend who I was in a party with, because I could not /trade it to him by normal means.
Just cause i only read 1st and 3rd page, was there no bust on the binds? People are becomign nicer =D
Ciroe said:
Yes, I'm saying all that with full awareness of what the Blizzard rep said. I think that it is possible he is wrong, that he gave a quick answer to a leading question, or that he blew you off because of your account status. I also, incidentally, think that it is completely wrong-headed, for both paying players here and GMs in game, to dismiss trial accounts. Blizzard created the business model because they hope to gain new paying customers out of it: they already have the business of the paying customers, and if they want more, then they're not going to alienate a potential revenue stream. I'm not saying they're going to fix a trial account's problems before a paying customer's problems, but I am saying that it would behoove them to respect everyone who shows any interest in the game.


That's why 'try and try again' is the basic motto with dealing with GM's.

To the OP:

thanks for your infromation. Going by the FAQ, Trial accounts should be able to post in the Newcomers section. If someone does, better do it under a 'normal' 20, as the 'Armory police' is bound to turn up.

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