For the Horde! Victorious screenshots for the naysayers.


This is for the doomsayers.

I just joined this site, and there is an overflowing amount of b1+chin about how bad Horde pug battlegrounds are. Anyone new to World of Warcraft trial accounts who may be thinking about making a f2p 20 may check this forum, and assume that the bracket is simply unplayable, and that making a Horde character is pointless...


You can often get very good, competitive games as a f2p 20 character. Occasionally you may get a string of bad games. Of course you do. Any game is like that. But then you may also have a string of great victories. Even as Horde. And that's what you don't hear about because you can't complain when you win.

Yes, Horde don't get an eyepatch, or a golden stockade shield of overpowered-ness. We don't get a vanish for rogues or druids, or a free 2-min cooldown pvp trinket abilitiy without using up a trinket slot.. You know what else horde don't get? we don't get long queue times for Battlegrounds.

We are the underdogs.

We get satisfaction from our hard earned victories.

We earn our helms.

We get a maximum of 1-4 minute queue times for Battlegrounds.

We ride Kodo beasts, Raptors and all the cool mounts.

We don't play with glorified toddlers.

We are the Horde, and we will not surrender.

So to all considering making new Free to Play geared characters out there, I urge you to come in and join the Horde! Get yourself some decent gear (it really doesn't take long, search the database for where you can find the best gear for your character). Once you have around 1000 health, join us in the Battlegrounds! The small amount of time you spend gearing your character is def worth it, as you will then have your character in best in slot gear forever, without paying! And without the constant grind of re-gearing your character each new season.

You don't get much glory when you're marked with the eye-patch of shame.

Now for proof that there can indeed be great Battleground games. Please add any of your own screenshots of good games, especially (though not necessarily) where the Horde is victorious.

View attachment 958
Thanks for the pep talk. ;)

I wish I saw this thread earlier, I would have taken a screenshot of an awesome AB game today. Alliance beat us by around 150 resources. Lots of good team work and I was really sweatin haha.
play late at night like midnite till 3am+++ and horde pretty well much wins nears 90%+ of the games.

there are more horde 24's at twilight hours, mini-mades, alot of horde healers/hunters/gayadins

alliance are mostly the honest F2P 20's, ill geared, still wearing whites in slots, even worse missing gear in 3-4+ slots, total absence of alliance 24's. teams of all heals (just went thru 8 losses in a row) alliance getting GY farmed...qq'ing and not knowing what to do, how they got one shot...etc etc.

i'm a me, but it really makes you wonder which side has more kids playing certains factions...enough said
Footman said:
This is for the doomsayers.

I just joined this site, and there is an overflowing amount of b1+chin about how bad Horde pug battlegrounds are. Anyone new to World of Warcraft trial accounts who may be thinking about making a f2p 20 may check this forum, and assume that the bracket is simply unplayable, and that making a Horde character is pointless...


You can often get very good, competitive games as a f2p 20 character. Occasionally you may get a string of bad games. Of course you do. Any game is like that. But then you may also have a string of great victories. Even as Horde. And that's what you don't hear about because you can't complain when you win.

Yes, Horde don't get an eyepatch, or a golden stockade shield of overpowered-ness. We don't get a vanish for rogues or druids, or a free 2-min cooldown pvp trinket abilitiy without using up a trinket slot.. You know what else horde don't get? we don't get long queue times for Battlegrounds.

We are the underdogs.

We get satisfaction from our hard earned victories.

We earn our helms.

We get a maximum of 1-4 minute queue times for Battlegrounds.

We ride Kodo beasts, Raptors and all the cool mounts.

We don't play with glorified toddlers.

We are the Horde, and we will not surrender.

So to all considering making new Free to Play geared characters out there, I urge you to come in and join the Horde! Get yourself some decent gear (it really doesn't take long, search the database for where you can find the best gear for your character). Once you have around 1000 health, join us in the Battlegrounds! The small amount of time you spend gearing your character is def worth it, as you will then have your character in best in slot gear forever, without paying! And without the constant grind of re-gearing your character each new season.

You don't get much glory when you're marked with the eye-patch of shame.

Now for proof that there can indeed be great Battleground games. Please add any of your own screenshots of good games, especially (though not necessarily) where the Horde is victorious.

View attachment 958

I really shouldn't have checked the picture first... now I didn't read what you wrote because I know I don't take clickers seriously. I'm a dick? Right? Please see "HELP".

HELP: Anyway... here are some macros to help you out:

Self-Penance Macro:

#showtooltip Penance

/cast [target=player] Penance

Mouse Over Penance*:

#showtooltip Penance

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Penance; Penance

Mouse Over PW:S*:

#showtooltip Power Word: Shield

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Power Word: Shield; Power Word: Shield

Mouse Over Renew*:

#showtooltip Renew

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Renew; Renew

Mouse Over FH*:

#showtooltip Flash Heal

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Flash Heal; Flash Heal

OK I'm done typing these out you get the point. Just change the spell names and you haz a new macro for your new spell. congwatz.

*these can be used as a mouse over or the same way you were previously using them... works both ways

There are a few focus macros you'd need for arena style play but I doubt you'll be there anytime soon just from looking at that UI.
Oh no no no I didn't mean playing with toddlers as meaning kids... I meant gnomes, creepy little buggers, never liked them even on my Alliance characters! :p I'm an adult too, and I have f2p twinks on Alliance and Horde, they both have the same ratio of 24's and immature people. Probably the only time it seems like there are more 24's on Horde side than Alli side is when that stupid mucka mad boy guild comes on with several people at once. Usually though there is just the odd 24 on either side.

And, by the way, I don't mind playing with 'kids', they are often much more mature than many 'adults' out there, and they definitely have skills too.

Bone, lol thanks I will check some of those macros out. I push keys, like F1, shift1-6, and the side buttons on my mouse, so if that counts as 'clicking' then yea you are right... I 'click'. It doesn't change the fact that you can still get good games as Horde...

For those people out there who were going to post screenshots of good games but are now too self conscious and worried that someone might scrutinize your UI.... who give's a sh1+... Have some balls and show that f2p level 20 pug BG's are playable. Most people don't have hardcore UI's setup, and at this level you have less abilities than at 85, so it's not vital to maximize your UI anyway.
mindfake said:
peptalk from a human paladin from the looks of it

Hah no that was just a picture i chose to look like a footman. Updated picture to ensure you that I do indeed play horde in this bracket (mainly).

Here's another BG, we had no 24's, and weren't overloaded with hunters. They had one 24 palli.

Not denying that good games do happen, but if over the weekend just one BG was one of those nice close ones (lost btw but the game itself was good) and others consisted of rampant 24's, Hunter/healer imbalances, camping of obvious new players by players you thought were above such things and other crap, with 20+ minute queues on your UP Ally toon (not a Dwarf Warlock, but close) to boot, it gets rather depressing - especially if said good game took place at a rather ungodly hour in the night and LFD has deteriorated even further than it already had this spring.


try to avoid the Gnomophobia bit, Gnomes are at worst (if even) a small issue in the bracket, and every Gnome means one less Human Pally/Hunter.
I remember I played against one horde group on my priest that was probably the most entertaining battle I've had in a while.

In short, horde would cap then alliance would cap so we were at 2-2 with alliance winning if the time ran out. Holy paladin grabbed the flag at about 6 minutes left and was running to their base. He was on the ramp for a good 4 minutes before the horde team finally finished killing the alliance team there.

For the last 2 minutes of the game it was about our team getting down to where the efc was we would fight them midfield and end up dieing. The holy paladin flag carrier was in the tunnel, where I was on my alliance priest trying to rush to the flag so I could stall out the time limit for our victory. When I hit the flag room I was thinking "I got this, all I have to do is just grab the flag and run around with it until the timer runs out." I look up and I notice the timer has been 1 minute for a while, so assuming it was 30 seconds or less. Almost sure of my victory I run over and right before I can pick up the flag...sapped. I rushed for my trinket but I had 20 seconds left on the timer. "SHIT SHIT SHIT" was going across my mind. Right when the sap ended I noticed I immediately feared the rogue in the flag room, but to my surprise there was not one, but two rogues guarding the flag room. Both of them were running around feared when the holy paladin comes up to me and HoJ's me for the winning cap.

I have to say, that was probably the most epic game I've had in a long time. I hope I didn't make it boring by trying to explain it.
Tinkerton said:
Not denying that good games do happen, but if over the weekend just one BG was one of those nice close ones (lost btw but the game itself was good) and others consisted of rampant 24's, Hunter/healer imbalances, camping of obvious new players by players you thought were above such things and other crap, with 20+ minute queues on your UP Ally toon (not a Dwarf Warlock, but close) to boot, it gets rather depressing - especially if said good game took place at a rather ungodly hour in the night and LFD has deteriorated even further than it already had this spring.


try to avoid the Gnomophobia bit, Gnomes are at worst (if even) a small issue in the bracket, and every Gnome means one less Human Pally/Hunter.

Very true, my dislike of gnomes has suddenly decreased slightly. I didn't dislike them for gameplay purposes, just from an aesthetic point of view. Also in the middle of a swirling melee while playing a large tauren or orc, it's sometimes a bit hard to realize there is a gnome ripping your @$! apart lol. Yea I do know what it's like on Alliance with a long queue then entering a battleground agaisnt level 24 guilds, it is BS I agree.

EDIT: That does sound like an epic game Namelezz, the best ones are often ones where the score is 2-2 or 2-3, regardless if u win or lose.
Bone said:
Don't Muck with me boy I'll go mad on you...

Mucka Mucka Mucka

If you do have f2p characters, and twinks at other levels, respect, and i bow down to your superior UI, and please ignore the rest of this post.

Sigh so I was gonna respect you based on the quality of your posts, but the fact you are on the mucka mad boy guild made me lose all respect instantly. Just like that ridin on 24's guild, you guys look pathetic and don't help the Horde or Alliance side have fun games at all. It's like watching a high school kid going to a primary school playground just so he can push the smaller kids round. You know what's really funny, is when someone makes a 24 hunter, proceeds to faceroll the battleground, and then think they're skilled. Even funnier if they fail at that.

Do yourself a favour, get some sense of competition into your soul and play on 29's, 39's, 70's etc or play with f2p rules at level 20 and show us how skilled you really are. Yea you may have superior macros, so go to a bracket that requires them to be considered skilled. Grow the fu*< up kid. Me mad? Not really, you just look like a bunch of losers.
Footman said:
Sigh so I was gonna respect you based on the quality of your posts, but the fact you are on the mucka mad boy guild made me lose all respect instantly. Just like that ridin on 24's guild, you guys look pathetic and don't help the Horde or Alliance side have fun games at all. It's like watching a high school kid going to a primary school playground just so he can push the smaller kids round. You know what's really funny, is when a 24 makes a hunter, proceeds to faceroll the battleground, and then think they're skilled. Even funnier if they fail at that.

Do yourself a favour, get some sense of competition into your soul and play on 29's, 39's, 70's etc or play with f2p rules at level 20. Yea you may have superior macros, so go to a bracket that requires them to be considered skilled. Grow the fu*< up kid. Me mad? Not really, you just look like a bunch of losers.

First off, a child has no right to call a 19 year old a kid. Second, we don't look like a bunch of losers, we look like gods among men... pretty accurate. Third, you seem a little mad... you sure you not mad? bro?

I'm Tooez the Paladin in Mucka Mad Boys. I solo q often. Do I lose? No, not very often at all. I lose maybe once every 40-50 games that I solo q. How does that make you feel? Inferior? Right as planned.

I'm also Bone the 20 f2p rule abiding dwarf Shaman. I've proven that I want competition but until the alliance stop steam rolling my horde real trial account brethren (like Mattbrady) I will continue to ruin their farm fests by destroying them on my 24.

You're welcome for your macros. Now go sit down and learn them then come back and talk to me when you're a better player.
First off, a child has no right to call a 19 year old a kid. Second, we don't look like a bunch of losers, we look like gods among men... pretty accurate. Third, you seem a little mad... you sure you not mad? bro?

I'm Tooez the Paladin in Mucka Mad Boys. I solo q often. Do I lose? No, not very often at all. I lose maybe once every 40-50 games that I solo q. How does that make you feel? Inferior? Right as planned.

I'm also Bone the 20 f2p rule abiding dwarf Shaman. I've proven that I want competition but until the alliance stop steam rolling my horde real trial account brethren (like Mattbrady) I will continue to ruin their farm fests by destroying them on my 24.

You're welcome for your macros. Now go sit down and learn them then come back and talk to me when you're a better player.

how can i sponsor your guild?
Bone said:
First off, a child has no right to call a 19 year old a kid. Second, we don't look like a bunch of losers, we look like gods among men... pretty accurate. Third, you seem a little mad... you sure you not mad? bro?

I'm Tooez the Paladin in Mucka Mad Boys. I solo q often. Do I lose? No, not very often at all. I lose maybe once every 40-50 games that I solo q. How does that make you feel? Inferior? Right as planned.

I'm also Bone the 20 f2p rule abiding dwarf Shaman. I've proven that I want competition but until the alliance stop steam rolling my horde real trial account brethren (like Mattbrady) I will continue to ruin their farm fests by destroying them on my 24.

You're welcome for your macros. Now go sit down and learn them then come back and talk to me when you're a better player.

I had just come out of a game playing Alliance for a change against collatoral the 24 tauren hunter, so yes i was a little mad.

I am older than you, not that that matters. Definitely not a child, not that theres anything wrong with them playing this game.

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