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  1. Unsung Heroes: Best twinks outside AP

    I've seen 0 geared/good horde players from any other server. They may be out there somewhere... but i've yet to see them. If horde isn't running an AP pre-made, horde is trash. And yes, I play horde.
  2. Alliance hunters... cmon...

    Yeah. I came back for the f2p. Really enjoyed it for a little bit, but the alliance hunters have ruined it for me. I'll be requiting wow now.
  3. Alliance hunters... cmon...

    I've done 30 WSGs at lvl 20 so far and I've yet to be against an Alliance team with less than 6 hunters (Yes, i'm actually keeping track). Is facerolling without skill really that fun?
  4. Games like this are not fun

    Ohh... now I get it. I'll take my f2p hunter (thats 3 farming sessions) hate out then. :D
  5. Games like this are not fun

    I don't get what you're trying to say.
  6. Games like this are not fun

    If you're saying 24s make the bracket... i disagree. That 10man hunter team was all 20s.
  7. Games like this are not fun

    Only 3 alliance hunters? I've played vs a 10 man hunter team... wasn't even a premade and they were from different servers. That's how f2p works. Alliance rolls hunters. Horde dies.
  8. Just got Ironman :P

    This /10char
  9. Transmogrification Rules... nothing says f2p can't use it.

    Run a dungeon, sell all trash and crap you get. Usually make around 10g.
  10. Anyone having trouble logging into wow?

    Can't even log into the site atm. Btw, server should be back up by 11am PST for those who were wondering.
  11. Transmogrification Rules... nothing says f2p can't use it.

    I'd assume it scales by item. I'm hoping that each piece is under 10g. Getting 10g takes under an hour... so an hour per piece wouldn't be so bad.
  12. Transmogrification Rules... nothing says f2p can't use it.

    Transmogrification Rules - Forums - World of Warcraft From the way it's described, all green and above gear can use this. I expect to see all f2p twinks running around in transmogrified gear.
  13. I thought people who turn off XP gain had their own BGs.

    Dont worry. I've already retired that hunter. I'll change my sig when my new toon is done.
  14. I thought people who turn off XP gain had their own BGs.

    I guess i was under the impression that there were 24 twinks with xp turned off in the bracket just to pick on f2ps.... nvm if that's not the case. I was just curious.
  15. I thought people who turn off XP gain had their own BGs.

    Yes. But when they introduced XP gain turn off anyone who did that only played against those who turned off XP in their bracket. Anyone who was still gaining xp wouldnt be matched against them...
  16. I thought people who turn off XP gain had their own BGs.

    I was under the impression that people who turned off XP gain ended up playing in BGs only with those who also turned off XP gain? Is this still the case? I'm only curious because people often talk of 24s and I didn't think we'd play against them in normal BGs.
  17. Congrats Horde Aerie Peak! AB Perfection Achievement!

    Very impressive indeed.
  18. F My Life

    Find a friend with a working copy. Get a USB/External hard drive. Make a copy and xfer to your desktop. Easiest way i can think of.
  19. F My Life

    Why can't you download the normal client?
  20. Horde EZ mode.

    Spiderman would beat batman.