Just got Ironman :P


Just wanted to say ty to all the allys that helped me get Ironman achieve

???? i dont get this thread at all. how many twinks do i have Master of Warsong on and i never bothered to post once about it, didn't ask for help either.
Mochabad said:
You needed help getting it..... on a pally...... wow......................

I didn't struggle they let me get all 3 flags. Meaning no one was a ass running off with the flag and capping it.
Hardc0re said:
Guess you decided to join the ez-mode faction after all.

Well, play to win bro, after all, even some "horde defender" guys on this forums are playing ally hunters anyway.

I had this guy before I posted that other thread still rolling a horde. I made this first and then I notice the difference in the Qs
Grats, I had fun getting that one.
threesets said:
its funny to see ppl qq when they have 2 caps and no deaths, and than someboyd caps the 3rd one

I remember doing that many times to people, haha.

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