Games like this are not fun

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Franchi said:
No <WE PAY YOU DIE> that's how 20-24 bg's work.

and grats on earning F2P folks another kill farming session on my retarded 24 hunter.

If you're saying 24s make the bracket... i disagree. That 10man hunter team was all 20s.
Hot Sauce said:
If you're saying 24s make the bracket... i disagree. That 10man hunter team was all 20s.

and that's kill farming session number 2 on my to do list.
roudy said:
pretty sure everytime someone brings up f2p in this section he logs a 24 hunter and farms a bg

Ohh... now I get it. I'll take my f2p hunter (thats 3 farming sessions) hate out then. :D
Guess who's back, back again.

Shatner's back, tell a friend.

That's right everyone. After some time spent pondering the nature of my TI forums existence, I have decided that I would go ahead and do what I recently decided not to do: Make yet another account even though I was asked not to by the mods. Why, you ask? Well simply put, I was banned on one account for a completely ridiculous reason.

mongro said:
His main account wasn't banned at the time though. Both of his accounts were banned simultaneously when a mod figured out what he was doing. He really was just trolling.

Actually, I wasn't trolling anyone. Those of you who know me should understand that I won't let the biased and narrow minded opinions of people like Donteventrii persist in any medium without at least taking the time to show why they are simply wrong. Call that what you will, but it's people like Donteventrii that allowed people like Stalin and Hitler to rise to power. Had more free minded and objective people been around during those times, we would never have had to witness the atrocities that ensued.

Nevertheless, I was not banned for trolling. I was banned for:

You are entitled to post on multiple accounts, but posting on different accounts to gain the edge in an argument is trolling. You will receive enough infraction points to earn a short ban on this account. You will also receive a small number of infraction points on your other account.

I wasn't posting on multiple accounts to gain an edge in any argument. In fact, I had only been posting on the one account, and I wasn't even arguing with anyone. I was instead having a completely neutral discussion which showed signs of resolving a lot of the issues that Donteventrii has had in the past. Did I have the upper hand in said discussion? Probably, but only because I wasn't taking anyone's side or resorting to a selfish point of view on a long standing topic for debate.

Semantics aside, I don't care that I was banned. Hell, I don't care if this account gets banned, or my other accounts never become unbanned. What bothers me is that one of the mods here has taken a liking to seeing me banned, and even if other mods come along and un ban me, this particular mod sees to it that I get banned again.

With more penalties.

For no reason at all.

I have decided that this particular mod doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, and that I would rather undermine his power by circumventing any form of moderation by his part, just to speak my mind.

The simple fact of the matter is that contrary to popular belief, some of the mods here are even worse than the ones on the main forums. It's been touted that 'at least these mods take the time to investigate things before swinging the ban hammer.' Oh really? Then how is it that one mod can ban me for simply having an opinion and choosing to share it, while another mod can come along and un ban me, without my knowledge or even asking them to?

How is it that a forum mod can see a post that is literally as neutral as any post on any forums can get, and then call it trolling and ban someone just because they happen to have two accounts?

That's what this is. I posted in a discussion, framing a neutral point of view that just happened to not fall in line with the views of another poster. That poster reported me, and I got banned.... just because I have another account here. Then that same mod contradicts himself in the reason he banned me.

You are entitled to post on multiple accounts

posting on different accounts is trolling.


I know that posting here is a privilege, and not a right. However, I have the right to call Bullshit on the way this situation has been handled. I will continue to re post this every time it gets deleted, and I will make a new thread if I have to.

Just to point out what happens to people who care about twinking enough to speak their mind.

Take care peoples.
This thread served its purpose a long time ago and isn't used for anything productive other than to produce "Report post" spam in my in-box. Closed.

Best regards™,
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