Horde EZ mode.

Skullbreaker, nailspitter, zealots robes

Jutebraids, seal of sylvannas, deadskull, grizzled boots

It all depends on class and role, some factions just have better options for certain classes.
i used crescent for +30 intellect on my hunter; like you said, it served the exact same purpose as windstorm hammer - giving people an option of having either a dummy intel weapon or extra spellpower. and no, windstorm never had enough top-end damage to be used as a mainhand weapon until it was changed well into WOTLK - not during TBC. myself and others did extensive testing on it, because believe me, i'm the kind of player who likes to have every possible advantage. you're not going to find a better authority on the 29 bracket than me, so let's save some time and not argue (i wasted way too much time twinking at 29 in this game). i see you completely ignored what i posted about alliance actually having a factional advantage at 29 in vanilla - i was trying to help you out there, but whatever.

i changed my attitude toward you because it has become clear that you're not trying to troll me - you just don't know what you're talking about. there's not a lot i can do about that except cross my fingers and hope you figure it out. i've found that it's virtually impossible to ever drill information into someone else's head over the internet unless you're extremely forceful about it, which is probably why you think that my posts are "angry". (see: people in this community *still* queuing WSG in this bracket, *still* making alliance twinks). if people "support my claim", then why have the exact same problems continued to persist?

in real life, you can look someone in the eye, be nice to them, and walk them through whatever you need to in order to help them. on the internet, people are accountable to no one and have zero motivation to change their existing stances and beliefs unless they absolutely want to. it's the price of anonymity.

- cotus
Pookums said:
Who were your 29's Name / realm, just curious?

the 3 hunters with lloydganks in the name, salvatier, reggiemiller, adenel, nolifebloom, all on bg9 (tich alliance or blackrock horde)
lloydganks1 said:
and no, windstorm never had enough top-end damage to be used as a mainhand weapon until it was changed well into WOTLK - not during TBC. i see you completely ignored what i posted about alliance actually having a factional advantage at 29 in vanilla - i was trying to help you out there, but whatever.

Sigh. Just when I thought you had a clue...

The 29 caster chestpiece is Zealot's Robe. Doesn't affect getting Windstorm for a healer wanting the best of both worlds. Healing Priests/Druids had noticeably better healing output from the enchants and the weapons were better than the Crescent on paladins/shaman.

The engineering helmet did have its place should the player be inclined to roll gnome and level engineering. It was still used rarely and wasn't an option for a healer. Compared to the far-more-flexible quest rewards for the horde that can apply to more classes, I don't see a contest.

Windstorm was changed in BC, not Wrath. If you did extensive testing, you'd have known that. My undead rogue preferred that mace over The Butcher; mongoose on a weapon with that speed was just too good. To say otherwise as a rogue is an outright lie or you're trolling.

You haven't bothered replying about level 10s. You still haven't replied about your irrational first post in this thread. It's amazing you haven't been rebanned by now.
Personally I'd think some number crunching on Clothies/Riot Stick would be more appropriate to this Thread's topic than - on it's own possibly interesting - debates on wether Batman would beat Spiderman.
Tinkerton said:
Personally I'd think some number crunching on Clothies/Riot Stick would be more appropriate to this Thread's topic than - on it's own possibly interesting - debates on wether Batman would beat Spiderman.

Spiderman would beat batman.
zealot's robe and skullbreaker came from the same quest. and nobody used the butcher MH as a rogue, ever, unless they were retarded or couldn't get a zealot blade. i'm assuming you're just remembering wrong because you obviously aren't retarded. and no, no one used windstorm unless they wanted to show off, sorry (nor did any rogue with a clue spec anything other than daggers at 29 for stuff other than dueling, so this argument is pretty pointless anyway).

did you play any 29s other than a rogue? because it sure doesn't seem like it! for someone who clearly only played a rogue, you also sure haven't done a lot of crying about perception, which made it literally impossible for horde rogue teams to win in arena for a good chunk of the 29 twinking era (but horde was imbalanced!!!) and you've completely ignored my previous points about "faction imbalance" in the bracket, even the ones where i attempted to agree with you.

i don't know anything about level 10s, because playing on a level 10 in this game is just silly. i'm sure you and the 20 other players who played in that bracket can come up with a lot better analysis of it than i could.


ps - and i'm also interested in adding the numbers for riot stick
lloydganks1 said:
zealot's robe and skullbreaker came from the same quest. and nobody used the butcher MH as a rogue, ever, unless they were retarded or couldn't get a zealot blade. i'm assuming you're just remembering wrong because you obviously aren't retarded. and no, no one used windstorm unless they wanted to show off, sorry (nor did any rogue with a clue spec anything other than daggers at 29 for stuff other than dueling, so this argument is pretty pointless anyway).

did you play any 29s other than a rogue? because it sure doesn't seem like it! for someone who clearly only played a rogue, you also sure haven't done a lot of crying about perception, which made it literally impossible for horde rogue teams to win in arena for a good chunk of the 29 twinking era (but horde was imbalanced!!!) and you've completely ignored my previous points about "faction imbalance" in the bracket, even the ones where i attempted to agree with you.

i don't know anything about level 10s, because playing on a level 10 in this game is just silly. i'm sure you and the 20 other players who played in that bracket can come up with a lot better analysis of it than i could.


I played warrior, priest, paladin, mage, and rogue. Warrior and mage were alliance. The rogue was horde. Paladin and priest were both factions. I would use my friend's hunter sometimes if they felt like using one of my alliance characters with me.

The difference between Zealot Blade and The Butcher was about the same as the difference between Reef Axe and Riot Stick currently. Better survivability, similar overall DPS, smaller burst. It was a playstyle choice rather than a clear-cut winner, except there's no trade-off in other slots to do so.

Perception against rogues wasn't as powerful as Will of the Forsaken against priests/warlocks/warriors, nor as useful as offensive CC for classes that lacked them.

In your warped world, gnomes using engineering CC once every 20 minutes and human's Perception making it harder for rogues to get an opener is better than priests/druids getting BC +healing weapon enchants, rogues getting mongoose on a functional main hand, clothies getting the better bracer for BC enchants, etc. The gear gap was as bad or worse than the eyepatch does for 20s and assisted more classes.

I've got about as much proof on population imbalance at 29 as you did when you were ranting on about Aerie Peak horde population imbalance in the 20 bracket. My queue times were faster on horde than on alliance for 29s during vanilla and BC.

In the end, you've ended up ranting more about 29s than on your reason for even posting in this thread. You knee-jerked and vented in the wrong direction multiple times here, and you will continue to do in the future. Can't fix stupid, I suppose. Have fun continuing to see imaginary angst wherever you go. I'm done talking to you.

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