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  1. Bored , 19 shaman various sets.

    Bump, Need peoples opinions on this.
  2. Bored , 19 shaman various sets.

    Well, been bored lately and I have decided to make a 19 shaman, I've no experience with 19s at all, and I made two gear sets, Before I link them I am aware the badge shoulders are probably better then the wintergrasp shard shoulders but I am not going to farm more badges. The sets i've been...
  3. Prot Warrior Burst DMG?!

    I honestly am not super pro at my war, but honestly priests and warlocks raped me. even with shield bash their dots ate me. And don't get me started on frost mages, Can't close the gap at all. Edit: didn't get around to putting my wars shoulder/weps on, will do that and spec today.
  4. Prot Warrior Burst DMG?!

    I'll make my war prot specced in a bit, then you can armory it. Valhalas edit:Currently has no weps/shield on, Hang tight.
  5. Prot Warrior Burst DMG?!

    Funny you should mention this, As I tried this on my war, had 398 ap If i recall correctly, without battle shout. And 22 something crit. And I even glyphed for rage free heroic strikes. It was honestly pretty damn fun. Was wreckin' rogues big time , But when it comes down to it, it's not viable...
  6. Carried by Hunters...

  7. Carried by Hunters...

    Cat form can track humanoids, Most hunters are to retarded to track beasts /won't remember you being a druid and won't switch. As a hunter myself I know I sometimes get lazy and rely to heavily on tracking, use this to your advantage. Secondly, never go tun. Ever. unless it is absolutely...
  8. Making a 29 retri pala

    Pursuit of justice is far, far better then 2 percent crit/imp BoM . Imp BoM is complete garbage. 25 percent of 55 is 13.75 ap. That is not even ONE dps, And it is only there if you're using blessing of might. Which you shouldn't be. I don't care who you are, a 10 second disarm is game...
  9. Making a 29 retri pala

    Armory looks good. The only thing that needs to change is the shoulders Azure shoulderguards of the soldier, Sword deck random enchant boe reward Also, Spec perry. It is far superior because when you perry an attack, your swing timer is reset to zero. So this mens you could get a hit...
  10. 29 ret paladin plans

    That one is ALOT better, but here are some tweaks that will give your more return on your dps. Getting 20 hit will make it so your attacks only have a 0.05 chance to miss, this is huge because missing an attack seriously gimps your burst...
  11. 49 Ret twink: Advice needed

    I have a hard time believing vice grips of the bear to be best in slot. For the following reasons: Firstly, attack power and strength very minimaly effect judgement damage. Where as agility effects white attacks and judgements equally as judgement of justice runs on melee crit chance...
  12. 29 Prot FC Warrior

    Looked over the glyphs, and i can honestly say there isn't much. Glyph of revenge or glyph of resonating power would be the best i would say, probably resonating power , and minor glyph of thunder clap for an additional two yards. (think that puts it in line with piercing howl so you could...
  13. 29 Prot FC Warrior

    Stonefirst girdle and forcestone buckler, the extra armour sems to outwiegh the small stamina loss, as you will have healers with you so the stamina isn't as much of an issue as cutting incoming damage. I'd say 14\6 with imp t clap and 3\5 shield spec would be best. Could glpyh resonating...
  14. 29 rogue weapons

    Sharpened Scarlet kris is the best OH now. Just sayin'
  15. 49 Ret twink: Advice needed

    Well I myself don't have a 49 ret, So I really don't know what the best in slot gear is, But i would say the issue is; your weapon, and your lack of agility/crit rating. Ways your could get more agility are by getting for your head...
  16. 29 ret paladin plans

    When gearing a 29 dps ret paladin, the order of the stats you want to focus on are ; agility > strength/stam> int. Why? Because pure strength builds only significently effect you melee white swings. For every 100(50 strength) ap you have, your judgement spell only gains 16 damage. So...
  17. Questions bout gear farming...

    It is most certainly NOT easier to go through the front door. And no, when you engage Thermaplug, a door closes behind him. The fastest way to do it with little exp is to run it with a hunter, have em clear up to thermaplug, and aspect of the pack you to him. The fastest way to do it...
  18. Questions bout gear farming...

    You don't need a second ring of the monkey as for a rogue, the warsong gulch ring is better. It offers 6 agility, or 6 ap. 6 agility's worth of crit, 6 strength, which = 6 ap, and 4 stam. Could try and get a tiger for an AP set though. And the only "trick" you can use while...
  19. Which class guide would you like to see next?

    I would like to see a 39 hunter guide, as i will be taking my 29 hunter to 39 after the patch due to exp not allowing me to get agm/triprunner dungarees without leveling. So *casts vote for hunter guide*
  20. Paladin Healing Spec: 3.1: The Great Debate v2

    Yeah, thing's a lifesaver when HoF is not on cd. Like to use it when their trinket is on cd, or there hof is on cd, if i'm using it on a pally.