Carried by Hunters...


So, solutions/advice for flag running as a feral against hunters? I mean obviously they are absurdly op and, as seen by the video, no offense to those who are handicapped, but they really take that little skill, or in some cases that little movement. I usually just hot up and run like hell, but with 2 hunters on me (average, sometimes 3, never just 1) the concussive shots+ravages begin to add up and i can't keep enough mana to MF them in cheetah/heal/shift outta snares. I'm really at a loss and unless blizzard balances endgame pvp at ENDGAME, i'm REALLY reluctant to give them more money for basically just being fucktards.
moonfire cheetah. if the hunter is shooting you and too far away to moonfire just stay in caster form and wait for them to get in range.

root them. works if there's one on you.

run like fucking hell, get the 30% speed increase talent.

(edit) use abolish poison at the right times. like if a hunter concusses you, hit abolish, then moonfire if the hunter is in cheetah, and shift back. if there are no poisons on you, you can always use rejuv when they concuss you.

umm against multiple hunters all you can do is try to stay away. just be aware.
I don't play a druid but do you have cure poison? that could be useful against the stings. Make sure you have 225 herbalism for the HoT. Also as a pally I've found that stacking hp/armor with a slight bias to armor is great against hunters and rogues reducing physical damage by a constant 50% (2016 armor). Also get some speed pots.

I am also just wondering if a druid or pally can stack more armor?

Sorry didn't see that this was in the 29 section I am assuming most still applies, 2016 armor was for 19 bracket
Field awareness and LOS play critical roles in escaping hunters.

Hopefully you have a team that is supporting you.

If not, you can still use them by timing your runs and picking your spots so that you force the hunters through your team.

You should have ~2K mana in your FC set and 1 point in natural shapeshifter doesn't hurt.

Health pots, mana pots, free action pots, and heavy runecloth bandages should all be in your arsenal as well.

Get an AGM if you don't have one.

You may not be able to escape, but you can force your opposition to dish out 4-5K of damage to take you down.
yetoo said:
So, solutions/advice for flag running as a feral against hunters? I mean obviously they are absurdly op and, as seen by the video, no offense to those who are handicapped, but they really take that little skill, or in some cases that little movement. I usually just hot up and run like hell, but with 2 hunters on me (average, sometimes 3, never just 1) the concussive shots+ravages begin to add up and i can't keep enough mana to MF them in cheetah/heal/shift outta snares. I'm really at a loss and unless blizzard balances endgame pvp at ENDGAME, i'm REALLY reluctant to give them more money for basically just being fucktards.

Cat form can track humanoids, Most hunters are to retarded to track beasts /won't remember you being a druid and won't switch. As a hunter myself I know I sometimes get lazy and rely to heavily on tracking, use this to your advantage.

Secondly, never go tun. Ever. unless it is absolutely nessasary never go tun.

thirdly, get a powershift macro and if you know you're gunna FC pop on your int wep. If you get ahead of the main wolfpack of hunters ussually farming mid you're home free if you moonfire cheetah-ing hunters and powershift conc shots. You cut a huge ammount of damage from incoming hunters by shifting conc shots because once you get a certain distance away they can't afford to autoshot.

fourthly, get a mod that counts down CDs, Most hunters are retarded and blow conc shot all at once, So even with multiple hunters on you you'll likely get a period of time where all their conc shots will be on CD, Shift off any remaining concs/cc's, pop a rejuv and use sprints. Since their conc shots are on CD you should be able to make a break for it and get away.

fifthly, As stated before if there is a single hunter root him, charge another root incase they trinket, shift any conc and get away.

If your team is totaly retarded and isn't using zerker huts, take them and cancle them. A hunter with zerker can fuck you uppppp.

Lastly, if things aren't going to happen and you're getting attacked by 3 plus hunters and you can't get across the field, Retreat to a hut and toss roots, los the hunters, throw hts on yourself, anything to stall the wolfpack of hunters atleast buying time for youe team to get there, or long enough for someone to get up to the alli base and grab the flag after you drop.

Hope that helps.
above post was good. however i disagree with this:

Vallei said:
Secondly, never go tun. Ever. unless it is absolutely nessasary never go tun.

i go tunnel all the time and i'm able to survive. sometimes you have to go tun. however, typically if i go tun and i'm against a bunch of tough hunters i'll check for the speed boots, and if they aren't there i'll typically go to roof to buy time or w/e.

i will definately agree that without the speed boots, moving out of tunnel with hunters waiting outside the base is a terrible idea.
Some things that are wrong.

1) You can't track humaniods until 32 as a cat (20-29 bracket). You generalize bad hunters, what about the good ones?

2) Tunnel is somethings the best choice, IMO its best to do alil scouting before grabbing the flag, and always keep the mini map that shows where your team mates are "Shift-M".

3) Natures grasp/roots is fine on the standard hunter, but a smart one will use there pet to blow the cooldown.

4) turning around to fight a hunter dead on is almost always a bad idea unless you have team matings coming to back you up ASAP.

5) Roof can be a fantastic place to hid and chill, just gotta be aware of enemy locations.

6) A good hunter is almost impossible to get away from without using consumables.

7) consumables are a key factor in FCing, master FCing your self...then get them to enhance your abilitys even more.
i totally agree on naturalh here...

then again i'm wondering how come you are a flag carrier and be alone against 3 hunters to begin with. flag carriers should always have some backups, even if just one person with them. they never should be alone in there ! hardest part is to come out of the place with it, once outside usually people come an help. .

when i'm FCing with my charcaters if i have too many on me, i just run to them and kick their asses if they aren't too geared. but 3v1 now is too hard to do. but again rally your troops, create yourself a macro that ask for help when you take the flag. i can guarantee you that even in PUG you'll have at least 1 or 2 peeps showing up to save your ass. that's what i do and for now it seems to work like a charm !
You don't always get help in pugs sadly.

However, you can trick them...encourage a few to come in w/e direction and distract the defense, usually it creates enough chaos to ensure your survival.

Or running there defensive right into 3-4 of your team mates is always fun.
Naturaltalnt said:
Some things that are wrong.

1) You can't track humaniods until 32 as a cat (20-29 bracket). You generalize bad hunters, what about the good ones?{/quote]

I wasn't aware of the cat tracking thing, Thank you for correcting me. On the subject of "what about the good ones" As this thread seems to be about the mass amount of hunters on the alliance side, I have a hard time believing all(or even 10 percent, from what i've seen....) of the are "good", Therefore i generalized them as bad.

2) Tunnel is somethings the best choice, IMO its best to do alil scouting before grabbing the flag, and always keep the mini map that shows where your team mates are "Shift-M".
If the tunnel is the best choice, I believe that falls under the catagory of "nessasary" , I stand by my statement.

3) Natures grasp/roots is fine on the standard hunter, but a smart one will use there pet to blow the cooldown.
I didn't say anything about natures grasp because it's useless versus hunters due to the above pet eating the cd deal. Roots however, Like the spell entangling roots, my ept can do nothing about.

5) Roof can be a fantastic place to hid and chill, just gotta be aware of enemy locations.
Agree entirely.

6) A good hunter is almost impossible to get away from without using consumables.
No, they're not. Under the assumption that you are ahead of the hunter, like the hunter is chasing you and not ahead of you already, Root, cast another root incase they trinket first root, powershift conc and web/tendon rip and once you get range you win.

FC druids are just as fast as hunters in cheetah therefore they can't catch up unless they use disengage offencively, This could work for the alliance hunter but as a horde hunter i find that that the horde base tends to be downhill from the alliance base, making disengage hard to use effectively to close distance on alliance fcs.

7) consumables are a key factor in FCing, master FCing your self...then get them to enhance your abilitys even more.

lol I don't see how the second statement is wrong, he mentioned mastering fc'ing prior to using consumables, then with the use of consumables (ie swiftness pots and free action pots) you can take flag carrying to an almost unstoppable level if geared and spec'd correctly... Saying wrong for the sake of disagreement without any constructive argument to back it up is equally as wrong based on your concept...

I'd even tend to agree with the first statement that you cited of his, being that free action/sprint potions may be the only means for certain classes to get away from a huntard in this bracket without any support, especially something like a warrior... But in the case of a druid, let's say you're perhaps taking too much damage since hunters deal way too much damage nowadays and you need to go bear form to reduce this damage. Even going out of form to cast roots more than once could mean your death, if not from that hunter but having to stop and cast means losing valuable time where more enemy players could come and attack you...
consumables are not a key factor in FCing.

the main factor is mainly where you are. awareness, proper route running, and knowledge of the terrain will always be better than popping consumables, unless you want to start chugging FAPs, which are regarded as unsportsmanlike by many.

it's not too hard to get away from a hunter if you know how to moonfire their cheetah and keep good, crisp routes going, along with being aware as to where they are. granted they are a bitch to handle sometimes but popping consumables isn't a good idea when you're having so much trouble with will just teach you to crutch on consumables...
Druid hate using consumables ;) Even though there is generally quite a few times they come in handy.

As far as the other seems not to many hunters know how to chase it seems, guess our own personal expierences wasn't common there druid, hmm?
Naturaltalnt said:
As far as the other seems not to many hunters know how to chase it seems, guess our own personal expierences wasn't common there druid, hmm?

well, if i moonfire cheetah at 25 to 30 yards away, i can cat form and get away. if they don't cheetah, i can simply just keep up cat.

i don't see how you're going to easily catch me. /shrug
You're taking the consideration of the feelings of enemy players into effect when discussing whether or not to use an amazing FC consumable especially regarding trying to get away from the currently OP'd hunter class... I hate to say it, but if you were concerned that greatly about the feelings of an enemy player then why even have a twink in the first place? Why not instead play on a normal geared character that lacks the ability to make a ridiculous FC run and play "fairly" in the eyes of a normal player? That argument seems negligible...

I wasn't arguing that consumables are a key factor to FC'ing, rather I was agreeing with his statement about how once you've mastered your FC'ing technique they can take your FC'ing ability to an almost unstoppable level.
I wasn't arguing that consumables are a key factor to FC'ing, rather I was agreeing with his statement about how once you've mastered your FC'ing technique they can take your FC'ing ability to an almost unstoppable level.

oh, well i bolded the part i thought was wrong (post #11)

guess we're just throwing punches at the air
Lol I knew your name and guild looked familiar Natural, we're from the same battlegroup, I used to do 29s all the time on my pally and rogue Alorn. I'm pretty sure I've seen you around quite a few times. I haven't played 29s much lately, but we should get something going on vent one night and see if we can't get in the same bgs, I'd go on my warrior or lock.

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