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  1. Arena Gear - Rogue

    Can you guys stop arguing, please? Isn't just personal preference whether you stack pure stam or whether you build upon crit, hit, and AP? Thanks for the help in the beginning, but now it looks like this thread has turned into a Falaris vs Mortix thread. I'll probaby have a gear set for both...
  2. Arena Gear - Rogue

    I can't get boa gear, I have no high lvl main to get em or fund me.
  3. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    I'm pretty sure rets = returns
  4. Arena Gear - Rogue

    @Falaris, In no way am I disagree-ing (disagring?) with you or saying your wrong, but are you sure I should just stack stamina? Won't my dps be similiar to an untwinked rogue? Say I don't have a healer, and my partner and I are counting on our dps to make up for lack of heals? If we have no...
  5. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    Plus u could just drop the flag N pick it up itself
  6. Arena Gear - Rogue

    I'm new to 39 community and I'm building a 39 rogue but I don't have time to level an 80 to grind BoA's. I was wondering if anyone has a list of the best in slot gear choices for a rogue focusing on arena play without the use of bind-on-account armor. Thanks for the help in advance ~Jyabiu
  7. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    Forgot to add that now the match is over , the pts are completely erased and we are awarded 2 pts for the win for the season (1 if it ended up in tie.) now mytotal team score for the season is 2 so far. Srry bout double post, can't scroll down to middle of previus post under edit with...
  8. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    ...I'm saying something wrong because no one is understanding me. The pts for flag caps and flag rets and kills and what not would applied in ONE game to decide winner of match. They wouldn't be extra bonus pts applied after one team is declared winner.... Say me and maz are on teams...
  9. Good Priest cant beat Good rogue PROVED.

    Rofl I'm adding this to my sig
  10. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    I think think that the team who wins via flag caps should recieve more then 1 pt per flag cap because , correct me if I'm wrong, the normal way of winning is by flag caps. Thus you keep an emphasis on flag capping awards the most pts , but if the other teams is superior in every other aspects...
  11. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    What?who said anything bout Buffing stats? I was thinking you award different points for different things like flag returns, most kills, etc. The winner of the match via flag caps would recieve say 10 pts and other little things could count as just 1 or 2 points. This way the the team who plays...
  12. I got my hat!!!!!

    Nice job dude. Gratz
  13. Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

    I think the idea of a quidditch (spelling??) - scoring system is perfect. To decide the overall winner you add up the teams total pts thruout the season and the team with highest amount wins. Ps - any plans for an arena version of this???
  14. Whats the Best Arena [2v2] Class?

    Does the rogues or hunter put out enough damage to make up for lack of healz? Could a druid outlive them? Does the shammy put out enough damage to actually be able to outlive the enemy while killing them, or will they just be healing themselves the whole time and finally face defeat once...
  15. Whats the Best Arena [2v2] Class?

    ...Whats the BEST Arena [2v2] Class? Druid? Shammy? Rogue? Priest? Warrior? Hunter? Whats the Best Class for fighting/surviving in 2v2 arenas With the ability to outlive and kill the enemy once your DPS partner is dead, or once your healer is dead. Basically, what class...