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  1. My Opinions On Queing Each Class

    Horde often doesn't have healers. Life as a non-mobile caster can suck a lot in that scenario. Also if you only have one healer, 99% of the time locks are bottom priority.
  2. My Opinions On Queing Each Class

    Is this for premades? Anyway, I think you might like mage more if you played arcane over frost. I was told to play frost when I first joined the bracket but I'm perma-burned out on Frost after BC, so I thought I'd try arcane. Arcane is very effective. You can put out damage in the range of...
  3. US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    Going good! My rogue as Boofie and my mage was Cerr on that realm when I did F2P. Yeah, unfortunately, being the sole healer in any game is definitely going to get you a one way ticket to the inside-scoop on sheep-life. I'd avoid the Scottish men (@Skeezin)
  4. What gear for Warlock Affli ?

    Go Haste, multi-dot, collect wins? Snipe healers dispels, IE: track their dispel cooldown, and right before it comes off put a UA on whoever you think they will dispel. The real pros dot up all three Alliance healers so they can't be sheeped and wonder why we lose mid. Don't be a pro.
  5. US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    But everyone looks cuter as a sheep :( Which healer is yours?
  6. US State of the Bracket and re: 19 TC

    I'm still reading past like page 4 of this thread but for what it is worth - right back at you Pizza - I'm having fun in this bracket trying to shake off my rust (Got to get used to how quickly rogues and ferals can drop me, especially if MORAN keeps waiting for me to blink :( ) The community...
  7. US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    bigmoran Apnea - Thanks for making this thread Moran. I love them because it puts a human face to a character and makes it easier to not dehumanize, thereby dislike, thereby treat poorly cycle that happens (at least for me) so often. For example, there's a person in the 20-24 bracket who...
  8. Please stop Qing Warrior/Healer in 2s

    I'm from the same era of MYT (That 2's team he's talking about :P). Really quick history, because I do think Nasti is not getting the respect he deserves. This isn't just some random old guy popping out of the woodworks who once was terrible. This is the co-GM of arguably the best US twink...
  9. Herald of the Titants in 6.0.2?

    Tiggar in Dread on Korgath; main was Junglecat in Wrath or something (Dread was US top 15)
  10. Questions & Answers

    There's one that is super super rare and GF'd and only one to a few people per realm got it (the legendary Black Qiraji mount). You might also be talking about the Archaeology one (Qiraji Battletank) but that also requires a linked account.
  11. Achievement ladies thread

    I believe those sausages are from Spain? I think this was a Food Network doc I watched once where they made fresh sausages at some family's farm and that shit looked AMAZING.
  12. Combat Rogue

    I thought everyone went combat? :o
  13. BiS hunter pet?

    Im playing crit as MM atm and it's outperforming everything else I try. In the long term I can see how a target dummy would prove other gearing styles, but so far in WSG where (hopefully) you're not just hitting 9 target dummies, nothing is matching the pressure I put out in a crit/Agil set...
  14. I'm Fed Up and Tired of P2P Horde

    What the hell kind of reply is this? I see average frost mage play for anyone moderately talented at this game where I don't recognize the vast majority of the players as being talented (you beat a warrior as a frost mage, WOW SUCH TALENT). Im honestly done arguing with you. Every good player...
  15. Skill Ratio open for premades!

    Most of your guild has F2Ps as well - you might have better competition setting up wargames with the F2Ps.
  16. I'm Fed Up and Tired of P2P Horde

    I laughed so hard. As someone who has played 39, 29, 20 and 19, you 29s and 39s always had such high opinion of yourselves for so many expansions and now that we are all finally in the same bracket it's SO easy to see who is good and who is not. Remember 39s? All the 19s and 20s went to play...
  17. Eye of the Storm - Like or Dislike?

    It's fine. I wish more people knew how to play it. I also wish the flag would stop bugging.
  18. Solutions for a balanced bracket

    Yeah still F2P but anyway, how does my point not make sense then? If it's mostly F2P I see, and they are all OP specs then how is the criticism of "be the change you want to be" misplaced? If everyone but the p2ps played balanced classes 6 out of 7 games would be amazing..
  19. Solutions for a balanced bracket

    It's not just an F2P problem but I see 6 F2P teams for ever 1 P2P team I see in arena. Games would be a lot better if all 6 of those teams were not feral druids. I feel like you argue with me just to argue with me -.-
  20. p2ps can now invite f2ps crossrealm(not only your own f2ps)

    Maybe you need WoD on your main? Weird thing maybe but it's working for my two friends with 100s, and not for me with my 90.