I'm Fed Up and Tired of P2P Horde

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At this point in time, I really don't know what to do as a F2P Alliance in WoW.

I wait, wait and wait for BG queues, patiently. After finally getting a pop, I check the scoreboard and see some familiar names, "Scuzbag, Duopaladin, Droxill, Detour, Boneitis" to name a few...

Every single battleground I got into today was a horde premade. Every single one. I spent about 3 hours of my day doing BGs to earn a total of about 20 honor.

On behalf of the alliance, we are begging P2P horde to no longer queue premade. It really ruins the game for us. Even when I do play my hordie and get teamed with a premade, there is no competition taking away all of the fun.

Now I know a lot of you mention that alliance also premade, which I would ask to come to a halt aswell, but I have not seen as nearly as much as I have from horde side.
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You could always f2p horde with a mass migration of other maggots to balance queues

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II
You could, you know, BUY the game.

But hey whats a kid to do when mom cuts up the credit cards?

You have a section of the forums GO CRY THERE.

You could always f2p horde with a mass migration of other maggots to balance queues

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II

And give up op racials and the eye patch of shame?

Yeah Free to prays are totally going to do that.......

You have to remember who you are talking to nasty, its our duty as people with active subs to balance the bracket for them while they all re roll priest/druid/ret/monk.
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get your own premade and beat the horde premades.
You could, you know, BUY the game.

But hey whats a kid to do when mom cuts up the credit cards?

You have a section of the forums GO CRY THERE.

I posted there about this already, honestly I know my word doesn't mean much but it's not just me who feels this way about the recurring issue
It's not that your opinion doesn't matter. You're just being naive. If you want to fix it it, roll Horde F2Ps. If not, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II
It's not that your opinion doesn't matter. You're just being naive. If you want to fix it it, roll Horde F2Ps. If not, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II

I stated in my post that even on the Horde side I see no fun in playing the BG due to lack of competition. I try to cap as fast as I can on Horde just to put the Alliance out of their misery.
So convince more f2p scrubs to roll Horde to balance queue times and water down talent pool. It is the ONLY thing you can conceivably do.

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II
Calm down guys ^_^

Every f2p goes through a hate phase! It's only human nature. You would, too if it were swapped! Eventually, we all learn to cope and deal with our f2p troubles one way or another.
[MENTION=24623]DoomedYonk[/MENTION] , I'd recommend you use this to let off steam. Posting this kinda stuff here is like walking up to the Taliban, burning a picture of Bin Laden, holding an American flag. Moral of the story is, you're going to end up getting shot up or decapitated.

requesting lock pls
The group you mentioned isn't a premade, or at least I (Wizeguy) are not part if it.
Regarding horde having more 29's I don't find that true overall but it definitely can be at certain times of day (such as frequently weekdays during the workday est). But I've been in many, many games where it's me and 9 level 20's against quite a few 29's. Even occasionally won some of those if I had the smart F2P's.
Speaking of smart, I think that's the issue with 20's in general - most don't know how to play to win. Some definitely do but most are drawn to meaningless battles and would let efc run right by or their Fc die nearby and not even notice (or similar stupid stuff in other bg's).
29's can be bad also of course but as a whole they're more likely to have been playing in bracket longer and therefore more likely to play to win.
I am surprised to hear you have bad queues - I assumed there were more horde at 29 and that's why our queues are so long. I have two accounts (each with a 29) and sometimes stagger queue them so I'm in game with one while other is queueing. If queues are an hour I'll do it every thirty so I don't get how there's actually fewer horde yet the wait is that long?!?
You could always f2p horde with a mass migration of other maggots to balance queues

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II

I laughed so hard. As someone who has played 39, 29, 20 and 19, you 29s and 39s always had such high opinion of yourselves for so many expansions and now that we are all finally in the same bracket it's SO easy to see who is good and who is not.

Remember 39s? All the 19s and 20s went to play it. You know what was hilarious? We were the best... by a long shot. There were a few 39s who were good, no doubt, Takea for example (but he hates all of you from what i understand). But for the most part? It was all of us 20s and 19s a) making games pop and b) always winning the games. The games where it was Skeezin, me, HB, Moran, Barb etc we would 3 cap and GY farm the "old 39s" teams. You guys have no fucking idea how bad you are.

19s, 20s and end-gamers are all significantly better than any of you. You've played the same style of game for 6 years and you've atrophied. I'm an old twink. I've played 19s since classic, 29s/39s since Wrath. 29s and 39s are hands down the worst players by far.

But hey? Want proof? I play 5-10 games a day in this bracket. When Barb, Skeezin, etc join in on their 29s it's not even close. They double everyone's damage, they carry their team, it's really obvious how OP they are. When you idiots join the game, we still win. I'm still top damage, I'm still destroying your team on a F2P hunter and so on.

Keep talking shit because I know that's how you convince yourself the talent gap doesn't exist but if you're talking shit about "paying for the game" you're 100% the person this post is targeting. We all have p2p accounts, we just choose to play F2P because beating shitty 29s is hilarious.

PPS: [MENTION=13032]Franchii[/MENTION], please tell me how I double the healing of your two 29 (one who was a BiS Mist..) friends COMBINED on a Mistweaver monk that hit 20 that day I was on Skype with you and Yoube. And they were fucking trying. Your guild is all kinds of awful.\

TLDR: 29s and 39s (for the most part) have no idea how to play the game anymore. Their objective play is poor, their mid play is worse, and they have no idea how to do damage. They can't do anything but the old kiting D but talk the most shit while getting the literal D.
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So convince more f2p scrubs to roll Horde to balance queue times and water down talent pool. It is the ONLY thing you can conceivably do.

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II
why are you salty towards f2ps when a good few of them are levels above any 29 in this poor excuse of a twink bracket
Rend, rend, 5.4 Disc.

Scrubswag, "OG 29/39" is an easy euphemism troll that digs into the epidermis of you 19/20 clowns. It doesn't refer to skill. Clearly we're all awful sans Takea

We can knuckle up whenever I reup. Till then keep waxin that ass.

Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II

What the hell kind of reply is this? I see average frost mage play for anyone moderately talented at this game where I don't recognize the vast majority of the players as being talented (you beat a warrior as a frost mage, WOW SUCH TALENT). Im honestly done arguing with you. Every good player hates you and most everyone else does too because you have the largest ego with the least to back it up. Actually prove yourself and you'll find no one talks shit to you.

And no, I'm telling you most of you suck. All the good 29s/39s know I'm not talking to them and they know who they are. YOU are not one of them. Franchii is not one of them. Willix is not one of them. That's all the 29s in this thread. Take it from a good P2P like Skeezin that actually dominates games and doesn't have thirty excuses for why they suck - you're terrible.

Edit: Just watched some of that video. Laughed so hard. Second thing you "show off" is blinking into a warrior paladin team to CS around a pillar after having already range nova'd. That tells everyone everything they need to know about this video.
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The group you mentioned isn't a premade, or at least I (Wizeguy) are not part if it.
Regarding horde having more 29's I don't find that true overall but it definitely can be at certain times of day (such as frequently weekdays during the workday est). But I've been in many, many games where it's me and 9 level 20's against quite a few 29's. Even occasionally won some of those if I had the smart F2P's.
Speaking of smart, I think that's the issue with 20's in general - most don't know how to play to win. Some definitely do but most are drawn to meaningless battles and would let efc run right by or their Fc die nearby and not even notice (or similar stupid stuff in other bg's).
29's can be bad also of course but as a whole they're more likely to have been playing in bracket longer and therefore more likely to play to win.
I am surprised to hear you have bad queues - I assumed there were more horde at 29 and that's why our queues are so long. I have two accounts (each with a 29) and sometimes stagger queue them so I'm in game with one while other is queueing. If queues are an hour I'll do it every thirty so I don't get how there's actually fewer horde yet the wait is that long?!?
Every BG I saw you in, consisted of 4+ 29s yesterday. Almost every WSG involved GY farming. Maybe it was by chance, but there's no way in hell the others weren't premade. No way.
You seem very genuine to respond in such a way and I really respect that, at first I thought it was my queue times were in sync with premades but after this recurring I just couldn't accept the fact and the anger got to me.
Calm down guys ^_^

Every f2p goes through a hate phase! It's only human nature. You would, too if it were swapped! Eventually, we all learn to cope and deal with our f2p troubles one way or another.
[MENTION=24623]DoomedYonk[/MENTION] , I'd recommend you use this to let off steam. Posting this kinda stuff here is like walking up to the Taliban, burning a picture of Bin Laden, holding an American flag. Moral of the story is, you're going to end up getting shot up or decapitated.

requesting lock pls

I understand that, but I've already posted in the frustration forum. I just wanted my voice to be heard by the P2Ps, I know majority of them will regard this is as a waste of their time, but I'm certain others will understand where I am coming from
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