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  1. Antithesis

    how /dance can be actually good in bgs or group fights

    Skarey, I do not think that is a very well thought-out post. Are you contending that all relevant humour in the world was created in the last five years? If you are, that's a pretty dismal view. Of course, that particular joke is awful and was never "relevant" to a thing, unless its relevance...
  2. Antithesis

    What scores matter to you? & Why?

    Flag returns and caps are clearly the most important statistics, I'd say, as they do generally give an indication of someone's play-style; and moreover they can be only improved by playing the game, and only by playing to objective. While not indicative of any personal skill, I do also value HKs...
  3. Antithesis

    How can you stand this bracket?

    Your complaint seems to be a low Horde win-rate: if that's true, it doesn't make sense to say that this bracket has "become" bad--since F2P's inception, the Horde has become more capable, not less. To suggest otherwise is to make an illogical appeal to nostalgia.
  4. Antithesis

    how do you move?

    Arrow keys forever.
  5. Antithesis

    F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

    This is wonderful, Lofi. Thank you so much!
  6. Antithesis

    Congratulations to our new TI MVP! :)

    Congratulations, Yde! You truly deserve the title--and it is good to see a non-Aerie Peak player in a leadership position.
  7. Antithesis

    Team Jimmy

    No Jimmy is a premade, entire of itself; every Jimmy is a twink, a part of the bracket. If a Jimmy be washed away, our bracket is the less, as well as if an Imirak were, as well as if a Swagpurse or a ten-man premade were; any twink's death diminishes me, because I am involved in twink-kind. And...
  8. Antithesis

    Ftp presents: Stupid 24 comment of the day

    It's encouraging to see how constructive this thread has become.
  9. Antithesis

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! D'aw.
  10. Antithesis

    F2P Rankings: PVE & PVP

    Tantharia @ Emerald Dream for HKs.
  11. Antithesis

    20 Hunter, Which Spec?

    I'd advise that you go unspecced. Why? It might sound like odd advice, but the fact is, as a hunter, specs are a needless distraction--they clutter your interface with all kinds of weird abilities and bonuses that are just too complicated for practical use. The best hunters all go unspecced...
  12. Antithesis

    Get at me bads

    The problem is that something can't very well be literally like something else, because that would make it actually like something else. It's semantics, not grammar.
  13. Antithesis

    24 hunter gem exploiting :(

    Using exploits is a part of twinking? What? Leo, that doesn't make any sense. Kiraush, you should send a ticket explaining the situation, as Allahkazam says.
  14. Antithesis

    Get at me bads

    He's a mage, what do you expect? However, it is not literally like magic. That is not what "literally" means--it is not merely an emphatic.
  15. Antithesis

    Easy Egg Collection for Mount

  16. Antithesis


    Karmic retribution for your appalling destruction of an innocent Springstrider.
  17. Antithesis

    F2P Rankings: PVE & PVP

    We have direct testimony from EU players confirming that Maratian hasn't been using a bot. Please, unless you have direct evidence, let the issue rest.
  18. Antithesis

    Easy Egg Collection for Mount

    Call it what you will--automation is against the rules; there's no getting around it. Your "smarter way" is nothing but breaking the rules of the game to gain an unfair advantage.
  19. Antithesis

    Easy Egg Collection for Mount

    Not cool.
  20. Antithesis

    How to hog the flag as a Paladin

    Cutting corners is without a doubt the best way to go. Pursuit of Justice doesn't hurt, either. Really, it's shameful how inefficiently people move. Learning to cut corners can be lifesaving.