Easy Egg Collection for Mount

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Please. I have exactly one F2P toon.

I don't care if you guys cheat to get achievements. I mean, some of you guys already bot for epeen in the trial version of an MMO -- and for multiple toons, lol! What is a little extra cheating for achievements if you are willing to bot? The whole thing is comical. After all, I am pretty sure that you guys spend more time botting in wow than I spend actually playing the game.

But if you are going to deny that it is cheating, then I'm simply going to correct you.

You keep going back to this epeen shit but I'm not sure you understand the intentions of what we are doing. The people that are doing this don't give a shit about what you or anyone else thinks, they just want their damn striders. And guess what else? Some of us want the striders pretty badly, but don't have the time to farm them out! It takes forever unless you do it at like 3 AM. A lot of the free to play people don't have the time (or money) to devote to full time WoW so what golden has here is a huge help! But hey man next time I got class or work throughout a holiday, I'll make sure YOU think how I obtain a strider, or a title even, is fair and ok for everyone!

I just don't get people who think they are the final say in what is ok and what is not ok. Leave this thread if you don't have any questions about Golden's method or anything related to the thread.
Hahahaha I remember f2p used to mean scraping everything together yourself. Now I can't even hop online without 5 people sitting there botting away for BoAs. If I wanted to bot, I'd resub my p2p account and start running bots daily to farm gold to sell. Botting to get a mount everyone has is pathetic. Yeah I want the mount. Yeah I haven't had time. Guess what? I probably won't be getting the mount unless I get lucky on Saturday.
Hahahaha I remember f2p used to mean scraping everything together yourself. Now I can't even hop online without 5 people sitting there botting away for BoAs. If I wanted to bot, I'd resub my p2p account and start running bots daily to farm gold to sell. Botting to get a mount everyone has is pathetic. Yeah I want the mount. Yeah I haven't had time. Guess what? I probably won't be getting the mount unless I get lucky on Saturday.

So, a bunch of people on your own faction are gearing up before even setting foot into a BG (ONLY AFFECTING YOU IN A POSITIVE WAY), and you complain?

Holy shit, better never see you complain about a low HP char in a BG again cause that would be major hypocrisy.
Shau, you can't tell people not to voice opinions about botting/modding in a thread about botting and modding. I'll be honest, I don't completely approve of the whole botting fad that's sprung up. But I'm not going to say anymore about my own opinions on that. If people want to take illegal shortcuts, that's their own decision. But don't act high and mighty, and scorn others who don't agree. The same goes for those who disagree with botting. Telling other people how to play a video game is just plain stupid. Let them have their fun and as long as it doesn't affect your gameplay, let it go.
I don't understand all the hazzle about the botting. People complain all the time they have to invest a shitload of time in BGs just being crushed and all. This game is still played for fun, right? So what's wrong when you automate most of it? Shouldn't we use machines in order to make things and start doing it all by hand again? Its not because it isn't "meant" for it to be like that, that we shouldn't be allowed to do it this way. Its not forbidden by Blizzards policy (?) thus people should be using it. Period.

Golden and Shau are just doing what they think what's right. People got to respect that. Does it hurt yourself, your own gameplay or whatever when they do? I don't think so. They just get their items, all items you can get yourself, fast and without a lot of effort. Its about being F2P BiS, with our without some fancy title and mount.
Well you can bot and get everything easy. I know I've earned every pixel that adorns my wonderful free twink. Part of the fun is working to get the gear.
I know that. Thats how I geared 5 characters. Now its time for me to automate it.
If people consider egg collection to be tedious enough to risk running a bot to aid them, then that's their choice.

I don't have any stance on botting/using 3rd party programs to aid you in non-combat activities.

FOR NEWBIES THINKING: Oh cool... Freeranged is a veteran at doing this stuff - don't go following his guide without understanding the risks/complexities beforehand - NOBODY IS TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF IF YOU GET BANNED

Ok! Happy egg farming :D
You keep going back to this epeen shit but I'm not sure you understand the intentions of what we are doing. The people that are doing this don't give a shit about what you or anyone else thinks, they just want their damn striders.


And guess what else? Some of us want the striders pretty badly, but don't have the time to farm them out! It takes forever unless you do it at like 3 AM.

No, it doesn't. It doesn't take nearly as much time as you claim, but you like to say that to justify cheating

A lot of the free to play people don't have the time (or money) to devote to full time WoW so what golden has here is a huge help! But hey man next time I got class or work throughout a holiday, I'll make sure YOU think how I obtain a strider, or a title even, is fair and ok for everyone!

Full-time? What are you talking about? A LONG night for me on wow is 2 hours... that's tops! The fact is that you guys want as much as possible with the minimum of effort, and are willing the break the rules that everyone else is following to accomplish that. That's cheating.

I just don't get people who think they are the final say in what is ok and what is not ok. Leave this thread if you don't have any questions about Golden's method or anything related to the thread.

Ummm,, the Blizz TOS IS the final say in what is ok or what is not ok.
Then why bother playing at all?

Botters are below Chinese gold farmers on the self-respect scale. At least gold farming is a real-life profession. Botting is basically just cheating for epeen.
Because I want to play arenas with different classes? So we can make new setups with players who only have 1 character?
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