How can you stand this bracket?

I enjoy this bracket for the 10 percent of games that are challenging. The other 90 percent you are getting facerolled or facerolling but the good games with last second cap or holding 4 off FC while the EFC is on cap spot as time expires for the win.. good times..

That's the reason i quit my 24 hunter and constant 5 man premades with him, it got boring. I'd go weeks without losing.
As long as there's no 24s and only a few hunters, but sadly thats almost never the case with alliance they always have 4+ hunters and a bunch of 24s.

Horde wins about 30% of the time, the rest of the games are usually 24s and groups of hunters. IMO, hunters are fine when they're alone but when they come in huge groups they can cover the whole wsg field easily with their range.
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I love this bracket, even with all it's imbalances, and most people in it. :eek:
As alliance you can win without much effort, but if you play horde, games are more challenging., and I find that more fun.
Games can be challenging for US Alliance... too... You can roll a lev 24 human hunter and try to cap 3 flags / game... camp gy for "100-0" like a pro and so on... > : )

This dude. Played a bunch of really fun games yesterday, pugging, had a couple great nail-biters win or lose with Ole happened to be in the same WSG, then did some AP 5 man WSG games that were all really fun IIRC.

Sometimes you get bad games but I still believe from a BGing perspective, the most fun thing to do is 4-5 man WSGs.
Games can be challenging for US Alliance... too... You can roll a lev 24 human hunter and try to cap 3 flags / game... camp gy for "100-0" like a pro and so on... > : )

Ohh, I'm so tempted... I could do mean things with this! I said I love most people after all! :D
But I do indeed ruv you two and Rhae and Morg and and and and and and :eek:
Your complaint seems to be a low Horde win-rate: if that's true, it doesn't make sense to say that this bracket has "become" bad--since F2P's inception, the Horde has become more capable, not less. To suggest otherwise is to make an illogical appeal to nostalgia.
Id just like to clarify that yes ally probably does get more hunts per bg but also how many of them are under 1k? Ally seems to have alot more newly made or just players that dont know how to use the classes op'ness. Probably 75% of the horde hunters i face are 1.2k+ and I do enjoy facing them. Hunters are one of the easier classes to play this lv but not everyone knows how to play one good or get the most outa their op'ness. btw for any haters asking why i rolled one I played a hunt in late bc and was first class i ever played so its just a class i like to play :) stop the hunter hating plz
So is this a Horde bitching thread?

pretty much.
Kalashnikov @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft -over 50% win ratio without premades, no pocket heals/so horde shouldnt be bitching

But i can understand why everyone else is bitching though. Iget on alliance, at least i can ''somewhat'' get the fools to cooperate. On team support, no i had a priest refusing to heal me.Why is it so tough to get BoAs on my horde toons??
This is how my 3x hours of wow go-first i get on my warrior-get no heals/gy farmed.Get on my hunter-same story.Then i get irritated and get on my ally hunter and GY farm those bads who refuse to cooperate as a team
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Honeybadger loves when a hunter tries to justify why it's okay for them to play a hunter. Honeybadger plays a rogue cuase Honeybadger wants to.

/End of story
That's cool that you don't enjoy this bracket anymore but topics like this are unnecessary. Just lame, dude.

To answer your question. When I played alliance I had 10 minute queues and my team Won 80% of the time. Winning almost all the time ruins the bracket. I'll have fun on Horde, with 1-2 minute queues and overcoming adversity and class balance.

Who even are you lol? I was da original orc warr

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