24 hunter gem exploiting :(

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My friend and I were doing some cross-realms on with me on my Alliance Paladin, and he started talking in vent about someone on our team hacking and told me to go to the link he commented, what do you guys think? o_O

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what do you guys think? o_O

Make a ticket about how blizzard sucks and messes with this game. They can't even fix the eassiest things like this. Don't report the player, it is Blizzard who you want to report because they make it available. These things are a part of twinking and Blizzy knows that and it would be silly if people get banned for their mistakes.
If you check the 20-24 forums, there is actually a detailed post on how to do this, unfortunately, there are other 24s who are doing this and it is becoming more of a problem. Just report the ones you do see and blizz will most likely remove them from the player and possibly a ban
Using exploits is a part of twinking? What? Leo, that doesn't make any sense. Kiraush, you should send a ticket explaining the situation, as Allahkazam says.

I haven't seen any form of information from the side of Blizzard that gemming was called an exploit. Nor have I called it an exploit and I believe it's not since the toc is pretty vague about this subject and Blizzard doesn't fix things nor give information, then it's pretty much the same as the past and the present things we use(d) for twinking wich every long-term twinker and wow player knows about.
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