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  1. Cataclysm now starter expansion.

    when you ding your queue resets or something.. maby it gets useless im not shure what it does but i do know that if you ding while in queue it fuck's up... badly
  2. Slower or Faster attack speed?

  3. Any guide around this?

    tho lower lvl the higher +ilvl you gain.. there was a post about it somewheere that said that all you need to do is look at witch items you can gain for +1.. meh
  4. Help getting my DK 85 ready for some 2's

    you proly wanna get bs if you are only focused on arena.. if you wanna get into anything but arena its alchemy you wanna roll with. other than that you wanna stack stam.. change shoulders, head and belt, most of your gems and enchants. look at my warr in sig, i only need head gem changed to be...
  5. Might come to 85s - Few Questions!

    Are 85s active? (Arenas / Bgs) ye but you get to see alot of bots in bg's Are boomkins good at 85? yes Which profs should i be running? (Currently Eng/JC) alch/bs for anything but arena.. in arena bis is jc/bs Is it different than 70s? not that mutch.. just not so many eletist's around What...
  6. 85 Disc Priest

    you wanna change your leg enchant to this if you want max stam.. this is allso verry viable... i wanna mention the off hand to you again.. its a huge item and you shuld get it.
  7. Best in Slot List for 85's - Professions - Mount and Reputation Farming

    pve is pretty easy to figure out for bg´s you want close to pve gear but with a pvp trink o.0 for arena you wanna stack as mutch stam as posible.. 2set cata is not worth it at all. gonna make some profiles when something propper comes up other than chardev.. gonna log in dps gear so you can...
  8. Sun-Lute BMAH Official Thread.

    page 4 on this thread Twiztid7652 posted this. according to this it looks like its up on kargath right now with no bids.. EDIT: oh wait maby not on kargath.... fenris and lightbringer?
  9. 85 activity?

    pvp wise it shuld be slightly better than what is has been, but shit divided by 12 is still shit.... (not trying to offend any 80's here) the 409 ilvl items were and still is the death of 80's... unless you wanna pve ofc, but looking at 80's from the pve side it seems ppl do not like 5.4
  10. 85 activity?

    verry verry spread.. maelstrom had a bunch one time,not shure if they are still alive.... they were pve'ers i think.... but the server doesent really matter.. everything is x ream theese days..
  11. 5.4 Thoughts - positive and negative comments

    carefull now, in bg's it all scales up. but yes, most of your enchants and gems are most likely gonna have to change for anything else.
  12. 5.4 Thoughts - positive and negative comments

    does the ice lance hurt? or is it roghly the same? btw im gonna have to stay inactive for a while.. work is being a bitch theese days and i can hardly catch any sleep.. will still make those chardevs for you Nesyla just need a little time :/ btw thoghts on jc>bs/all ?
  13. 80 for 2 years, time to level to 85?

    personally i never dinged a twinked toon, except for my first twink, 49 warr.. and then i fucked about at lvl 78 for a while (there was that crafted set with a shitload of resi)... now that toon is hapslute... other than that all my toons that i never even played or were active on is something i...
  14. 85 mage/rogue pvp bis?

    proly pve dps gear on both clases, deals so silly dmg that you dont really have to worry about survival.. or having a challange.. (not trying to make offence here) anywho if you feel like you are getting smacked around a bit to often then you are just gonna have go get some more stam, the only...
  15. 85 Elemental shaman

    it was world pvp all targets 86+ non twinked, didnt record, didnt math, didnt really do anything about it but laugh my ass off for the next hour or two.
  16. 85 Elemental shaman

    i have seen rezputín kill 4 ppl with 2 cl cast's... if thats not burst thats (unreliable but still) hard to deal with i dont know what is..
  17. lvl 80 mage world pvp montage against lvl 86+

    hard - no.. fun - yes.
  18. 85 Elemental shaman

    Rezputín @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft ele's hurt real bad.. survival not so good tho..
  19. Best in Slot List for 85's - Professions - Mount and Reputation Farming

    im gonna wait untill 5.4 and then brew up some warr chardevs.. Nesyla there shuld be arena and bg bis sets for pvp (will make all warr sets for 5.4) maby even a world pvp bis set (stacking hit) so far the post looks awsome great work, keep it up! =P
  20. Are we really going to be twinks next patch? + Question about BG scaling.

    alch flask does at 85 right now.. dont see why it shuldnt do the same with ench.. no idea tho, only the future will tell.. and wether or not you will still be a twink: "Twinks are below level cap player characters who have gained the best powerful gear for their level in every slot." ctrl+v and...