Search results

  1. How to balance 19's (final)

    Looks nice mate, really nice :o
  2. Mage/Priest 2v2 wargames

    hey thats me, u qtie
  3. frank sinatra and friends.

    what the fuck
  4. 5 priest

    thisthisthisthisthis, stop beng so bad lip l2 gear up
  5. 5 priest

    youmad, youbad.
  6. A few items on Caelestrasz.

  7. Rate my 10 Shammy

    shit son no heirlooms, 0/10
  8. A few items on Caelestrasz.

    Why do you think that he would ever transfer for 450g?
  9. PvP BoA Shldr/cbrn belt vs packleader/satchel belt

    1 agm is a MUST when you are twinking @ 19, dont be lazy.
  10. Hey lets alll roll paladins:D - US

    l2 gear up, go get heirlooms.
  11. How will Waw Tawent do this time around?

    johneffer jokes is the new chuck norris
  12. Emnesty - 19 Rogue Twink

    This post just proves how much you know about your class.
  13. How to balance 19 dps

    pizza mad cus kore trying to make ur class not op? hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahha your shit rly.
  14. paladins are gamebreaking in 19, not hunters

    retards please, do you even play this bracket?
  15. Coming back to Retail

    :( who does know about hamcake lands development?
  16. Coming back to Retail

    ur to qt to be a dick to me @@Mamey, you play 19 there?
  17. Coming back to Retail

    mamey when will hamcake land be back? i wanna boss other shamans with my quinp.
  18. Last call! Warrior LF active Guild.

  19. Poem that I made up (acrostic)

    Get heirlooms, stop whining.
  20. Tazik Shocker in arena

    People useing this in arena is retarded kthx.