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  1. Jadyne

    Share your favorite blog

    Any topic, but preferably something you think people might not have heard of. And yes, if you really want to, post more than one. My favorite: Tobold's Blog I started reading his blog the first year I was playing WoW, but he has been blogging about MMOs and other games since 2003. Even...
  2. Jadyne

    Havent won 1 game in 2 days straight

    This. I have no idea where you got the idea that people act nice on forums. But I'll try to be kinda nice and hopefully the meanness will only increase at a gentle rate over the length of this thread. Have you considered perhaps looking at your own skill and seeing if you can do more to win...
  3. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    I've been thinking about this topic for at least a month now, if not longer. I was going to put together something much more coherent and complete, but some of the interesting posts I've read recently got me thinking why wait to have things put together perfectly? Maybe someone has some info or...
  4. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    Re: A change of the premade rules While I actually appreciate and agree with your sentiment, Agonist, I think Mocha's also right to look at how we ended up where we are now. I'll respect your request, and maybe make a new thread to discuss that in more detail. But I do want to point out that...
  5. Jadyne

    Demo jumps!

    Hm, nice Waiting Line remix.
  6. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    Re: A change of the premade rules I understand the burst issues, those sound pretty hard to overcome. I also see how merging the battlegroups could have disrupted the communities that were already in place. That said, it's not impossible to rebuild a community. Just takes a lot of time and...
  7. Jadyne

    A change of the premade rules

    I'm not trying to be contrary here, but just fyi, starting at the end of summer, we've managed to build the population of a mostly inactive 10-19 bracket on a private server up to probably something around 500 players spread across all the time zones. Seems like it should be possible to get at...
  8. Jadyne

    A change of the premade rules

    Are even resto and balance druids that dangerous when using stealth in MoP? Or is it just that 4 players stealthing past everyone and dropping burst (even resto spec burst) on an FC is unstoppable?
  9. Jadyne

    24's Movie Thread

    Oh yeah, I recognize that name! Haha, now I gotta try to find that video. I'm almost afraid to, it might look like noob play after all these years... XD Edit: Lol, I didn't even scroll up before posting this. Nice! He's actually pretty good, even if they game's changed a ton since then. That...
  10. Jadyne

    24's Movie Thread

    I know this is an older post, but damn, that video gave me some serious nostalgia. That song combined with the zoom out from a corner of your screen... almost exact same as the start to one of the first PvP vids I ever watched of a 60 tauren warrior wrecking things in Vanilla Arathi Basin...
  11. Jadyne

    The PuG, the Premade, and The Basin - A new approach to the old 19s

    I'm looking forward to seeing if you can get this off the ground. In before "People don't want competition, they just want to faceroll!1"
  12. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 19 Twinks interested in Rolling on WotLK Server.

    Updated information, please read the original post. To summarize: The first phase of building the Molten twink community was a wild success in the 10-19 bracket. We have tons of 19 twinks there, enough to keep the bracket active even through slow times, and even with 19s wandering off to try out...
  13. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 39 Twinks interested in rolling on WotLK Server.

    Quick games update. We did a bunch on Friday, not too many on Saturday, but we got some excellent ones Sunday afternoon, and then again Sunday evening. I also finally got my Rainstrider Leggings, and tried out a heavy regen disc spec. Worked surprisingly well. What's really interesting is that...
  14. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 29 Twinks interested in Rolling on WotLK Server.

    We made some community changes this weekend, which kept me busy doing logistical stuff. No worries, 29 WSG is still happening after all these weeks. I heard they got some good games.
  15. Jadyne

    Improving The Bracket: "Noobs"

    It's true. A lot of us got good by having that one person come over and show us how to start learning. But doing that for people over and over and over uses you up. I've burnt out multiple times, though I've always come back stronger. The only thing I've figured out for sure is that you have to...
  16. Jadyne

    <Twink Inc> Funding 29 Twinks interested in Rolling on WotLK Server.

    They work, depending on the item lvl.
  17. Jadyne

    An Audacious Suggestion

    I have a link in there to the main molten thread in the private server forum. it's got a getting started guide with most of that info in it. I suppose i can post it in this thread too. What's your toon's name? i mail you a bunch of gold. And a contact list might be a good idea. Tho we're...
  18. Jadyne

    Instant cast heals being toned down and player HP being doubled

    Actually no. Those were the signature abilities at max level. But part of the point of twinking was making do without those abilities. I liked my spriest without shadowform or these other newfangled spells. I liked spriests when they were marginalized back in vanilla, and then when they got good...
  19. Jadyne

    Instant cast heals being toned down and player HP being doubled

    I still haven't figured out why they had to add battlefatigue in the first place. I mean, can't you just make heals weaker to start? Then if that makes them too weak in PvE, change the PvE mechanics. It's almost as if they had two separate teams working on PvP and PvE who didn't communicate with...
  20. Jadyne

    Native links opening location

    Ah, I didn't see this thread earlier. I agree, it would be nice if the tables of contents in my guildes could be links as well.