A change of the premade rules


I'm not sure why we are still following rules from the beginning of the expansion. The rules are honestly no longer relevant to us with the changes to battle fatigue and chants. I personally will not abide by the current rules and I opt for them to change. These are the rules that I believe should be followed:

New rules for 10 man premades:

  • Only one Hunter allowed
  • Maximum of 2 classes(no more restrictions on spec specific classes like boomkin)
  • Maximum of 4 healers
  • As many stealthies as you want, however only 2 are able to use stealth type abilities(excluding shadowmeld).

Reasons for changes:

Boomkins: Everybody knows boomkins are not the same as they use to be. I don't even consider them to be OP at the moment. Even if you do use another boomkin you're are swapping out a resto druid which is arguably the most powerful healer at present. I don't see why there should be any legit reason to put a ban on them when classes like hunter are far better.

4 Healers:
Whilst the limitation to 3 healers was an excellent rule to begin with, the result in battle fatigue being lifted to 60% has just made it extremely difficult, if not impossible to heal through the current dps burst. Right now the bracket is far too burst heavy and another healer should definitely be allowed.

Removal of the stealth rule:
The limitation of 2 stealthies pretty much abandons the use of rogues. I mean who currently would not use a boomkin and a resto as a must for their team? I feel for premades we should allow as much lee way and options as possible without making it go completely over the top. Even though I hate rogues, I think it would be extremely interesting to see them play in a premade scenario. Heck, even imagine two. If you are running more than 2 stealthies, one of your stealth classes must unbind the ability. As well as this you must say to your opponent which two people will be using stealth. If one of the people whom was not declared as being able to use stealth, uses it, then the other team will automatically win, no question. This can also be tracked through Stealth Alerter

One Hunter: Let's face it hunters are extremely OP atm. The fact that their burst is available to them from the get go makes a healers job a nightmare. I believe premades will be balanced out a bit more with the exclusion of one hunter. It will also give teams an array of interesting other classes to fill the void.
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Looks good, other than requiring druids' good faith when it comes to stealthing.
Are even resto and balance druids that dangerous when using stealth in MoP? Or is it just that 4 players stealthing past everyone and dropping burst (even resto spec burst) on an FC is unstoppable?
I suggest you get the addon Stealth Alerter, not only does it show you the name, realm, spec, and class of the stealthy in question but it puts it in your chat bar, so you can easily tell whether or not the pm rules were broken. If someone doubts you then just ss that shit.

Good suggestion, will put that in.
should work on activity first, before trying to change the rules of premades that you do not have unless this is preparation for myrm's tourney.
should work on activity first, before trying to change the rules of premades that you do not have unless this is preparation for myrm's tourney.

Pretty obvious activity won't step up till summer. Just giving people a heads up that these are the new rules. Is that alright with you Sir?
Pretty obvious activity won't step up till summer. Just giving people a heads up that these are the new rules. Is that alright with you Sir?

I'm not trying to be contrary here, but just fyi, starting at the end of summer, we've managed to build the population of a mostly inactive 10-19 bracket on a private server up to probably something around 500 players spread across all the time zones.

Seems like it should be possible to get at least a quarter of that many playing regularly on Live... just a thought.
should work on activity first, before trying to change the rules of premades that you do not have unless this is preparation for myrm's tourney.

is there a collision to be had if premade rules get changed while you work on activity or what lmao

hey scientists slow down we need to end poverty and terrorism first
Seeing as ''everyone'' according to Mocha have found this hilarious, I will bump it up and give more enjoyment to peoples lives.
I had fun running 4 healers and a rogue in barbs wargames. Burst was alot easier to heal and the rogue got some nifty saps. These rules really help push boundaries and make games that more exciting.
I'm not sure why we are still following rules from the beginning of the expansion. The rules are honestly no longer relevant to us with the changes to battle fatigue and chants. I personally will not abide by the current rules and I opt for them to change. These are the rules that I believe should be followed:

New rules for 10 man premades:

  • Maximum of 2 classes(no more restrictions on spec specific classes like boomkin)
  • Maximum of 4 healers
  • As many stealthies as you want, however only 2 are able to use stealth type abilities(excluding shadowmeld).

Reasons for changes:

Boomkins: Everybody knows boomkins are not the same as they use to be. I don't even consider them to be OP at the moment. Even if you do use another boomkin you're are swapping out a resto druid which is arguably the most powerful healer at present. I don't see why there should be any legit reason to put a ban on them when classes like hunter are far better.

4 Healers:
Whilst the limitation to 3 healers was an excellent rule to begin with, the result in battle fatigue being lifted to 60% has just made it extremely difficult, if not impossible to heal through the current dps burst. Right now the bracket is far too burst heavy and another healer should definitely be allowed.

Removal of the stealth rule:
The limitation of 2 stealthies pretty much abandons the use of rogues. I mean who currently would not use a boomkin and a resto as a must for their team? I feel for premades we should allow as much lee way and options as possible without making it go completely over the top. Even though I hate rogues, I think it would be extremely interesting to see them play in a premade scenario. Heck, even imagine two. If you are running more than 2 stealthies, one of your stealth classes must unbind the ability. As well as this you must say to your opponent which two people will be using stealth. If one of the people whom was not declared as being able to use stealth, uses it, then the other team will automatically win, no question. This can also be tracked through Stealth Alerter

I'm with Dori on this one.

Really great thoughts, but yeah, the "good faith" part just has big implications of going wrong (with how honest everybody is...)

I'd say give having MORE stealthies a try, even if they are all using stealth. If that doesn't work we can move on from there.
The stealth alert addon really stops from relying on good faith - We've yet to have a problem or even any accidents tegarding 2many stealthies stealthed at once so i dont see it being a problem in future premades when other guilds pick up the activity.
I'm not sure why we are still following rules from the beginning of the expansion. The rules are honestly no longer relevant to us with the changes to battle fatigue and chants. I personally will not abide by the current rules and I opt for them to change. These are the rules that I believe should be followed:

New rules for 10 man premades:

  • Maximum of 2 classes(no more restrictions on spec specific classes like boomkin)
  • Maximum of 4 healers
  • As many stealthies as you want, however only 2 are able to use stealth type abilities(excluding shadowmeld).

Reasons for changes:

Boomkins: Everybody knows boomkins are not the same as they use to be. I don't even consider them to be OP at the moment. Even if you do use another boomkin you're are swapping out a resto druid which is arguably the most powerful healer at present. I don't see why there should be any legit reason to put a ban on them when classes like hunter are far better.

4 Healers:
Whilst the limitation to 3 healers was an excellent rule to begin with, the result in battle fatigue being lifted to 60% has just made it extremely difficult, if not impossible to heal through the current dps burst. Right now the bracket is far too burst heavy and another healer should definitely be allowed.

Removal of the stealth rule:
The limitation of 2 stealthies pretty much abandons the use of rogues. I mean who currently would not use a boomkin and a resto as a must for their team? I feel for premades we should allow as much lee way and options as possible without making it go completely over the top. Even though I hate rogues, I think it would be extremely interesting to see them play in a premade scenario. Heck, even imagine two. If you are running more than 2 stealthies, one of your stealth classes must unbind the ability. As well as this you must say to your opponent which two people will be using stealth. If one of the people whom was not declared as being able to use stealth, uses it, then the other team will automatically win, no question. This can also be tracked through Stealth Alerter

You should probably make a thread about why GY camping is for nubs who dont know how to play WSG properly. Secondly, why are you all of the suddon making random threads about controlling what classes people play in 19's? are you like the WoW version of Adolf Hitler? LOL you complain about how many rogues there are, but you dont say a word about hunters or any OP class out there for that fact. Inb4 Dorigon pitches a hissy fit about the fact i brought up GY camping. thanks for tryin to help the community, but being a control freak about it like this isent going to help.
You should probably make a thread about why GY camping is for nubs who dont know how to play WSG properly. Secondly, why are you all of the suddon making random threads about controlling what classes people play in 19's? are you like the WoW version of Adolf Hitler? LOL you complain about how many rogues there are, but you dont say a word about hunters or any OP class out there for that fact. Inb4 Dorigon pitches a hissy fit about the fact i brought up GY camping. thanks for tryin to help the community, but being a control freak about it like this isent going to help.

This is a ''premade rule'' thread. The abstract may be foreign to people like you, I understand, just keep calm.

Well seeing as I want to allow rogues in premades, I don't see what you're rambling on about.

I don't really understand what the rest of your post has to do with this thread...

Did you even read the thread by chance?
This is a ''premade rule'' thread. The abstract may be foreign to people like you, I understand, just keep calm.

Well seeing as I want to allow rogues in premades, I don't see what you're rambling on about.

I don't really understand what the rest of your post has to do with this thread...

Did you even read the thread by chance?

Yes i read your thread, and im not sure why you even have the gull to say im rambling about something in this thread when 95% of your own posts/threads are about you babbling on about random stuff. And if it wasent clear the first time, i was basically saying that derailing one class isent going to help out the community.. If the 19 community is dying the last thing we need is to keep adding on to premade requirements, last thing the 19's need is someone telling them which class they need to play due to "too many rogues" or "too many Mages" etc.. If people like playing that certain class, let them, no one is stopping you from making a rogue.
Yes i read your thread, and im not sure why you even have the gull to say im rambling about something in this thread when 95% of your own posts/threads are about you babbling on about random stuff. And if it wasent clear the first time, i was basically saying that derailing one class isent going to help out the community.. If the 19 community is dying the last thing we need is to keep adding on to premade requirements, last thing the 19's need is someone telling them which class they need to play due to "too many rogues" or "too many Mages" etc.. If people like playing that certain class, let them, no one is stopping you from making a rogue.

You're talking about things that aren't related to this thread and I will stop talking to you henceforth.
You're talking about things that aren't related to this thread and I will stop talking to you henceforth.

Ok? id rather talk about things that arent related to this thread, rather than posting random threads that dont help the community which is what you obviously like to do the best. And nice i see what ya did there you tried to mix your post in with a little bit of Bible scripture slang lol.

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