Search results

  1. 3.1 going live tuesday ?

    Wow, I apologize for creating a topic about the number 1 issue involving the 10-19 bracket. My bad.
  2. 3.1 going live tuesday ?

    Yes, it's speculation. But with it being 555 MB its got a ton of changes in it...
  3. 3.1 going live tuesday ?

    Downloading 3.1 patch right now Looks like the changes are coming sooner than most thought.
  4. Twinking Changes petition

    I posted this in your WoW thread but ill do it here too Frankly, as someone who's entire WoW endgame revolves around twinking, I embrace the change. I will be looking forward to "old school twinking", back before BC, leg armors, naxx ectect, when it was very uncommon to see characters above...
  5. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    Pendulum of Doom for 60g
  6. EU Selling 19 leather shoulders with Naxx AP enchant

    Rumor has it the Naxx chants are not working as well. I have not verified this though.