Twinking Changes petition

I would if I could, but I cannot log into the WoW forums. I also hate dealing with the A-holes who flood any topic starting with 'twink'. They always port the same arrogant, smug comments. It makes me glad I left the game, so I don't have to deal with those people anymore.


Edit: I hate the generic 'Now I can level normally and PVP' response. This is usually followed by a 'I don't care for PVP, I won't to endgame' type response. First off, if you don't care for PVP why should it matter? Second, people get the wrong impression about twinks and for some reason everyone hates twinks even though they say they have twinks. (One commenter says he hates twinks, but in later post he says he has a 19, 29, and 49 twink) Finally, if your so worried about leveling why are you stopping to PVP? Maybe your just trying it out, and I am fine with that excuse. But if you don't like it don't complain. Its obviously not your main focus of the game. You'd probably complain even if there were no twinks and your side lost.

I'd say that if I could post on the WoW forums.
Unstablle said:
burst is getting buffed and hp is going down the drain. how can you be happy? :(

I didn't say i am happy, i just say i like the general direction. Making a twink will be way easier now. And even casual players will be able to make a difference in PUG games. In some cases the hp/dps ratio and class balance will be fucked up but this has to be adressed then. All the glitches and oversights just weren't healthy.
I posted this in your WoW thread but ill do it here too

Frankly, as someone who's entire WoW endgame revolves around twinking, I embrace the change. I will be looking forward to "old school twinking", back before BC, leg armors, naxx ectect, when it was very uncommon to see characters above 1200hp buffed.

These changes will fundamentally alter the 19 bg's forever. Is it a good change? Well that's very much a debate. It will NOT, however, make the bracket more noob friendly, and this is something I don't think blizz is considering. A true noob will get steamrolled anyway, because they have no idea how WSG works, how to work as a team, or how to play their class in a PvP environment. You cannot learn those things by killing a bunch of boars in westfall. Even though there are less skills to learn at 19, which in turn makes the basics easier to master, by the time you become competitive you will have levelled out of the bracket anyway.

These changes only really effect the twinks. People can say it was done for new players but we all know thats bull. So what was Blizzards motivation here? Kill twinking? Balance twinking? It's hard to say.

The only thing that Blizzard can do to kill twinking is to add XP to the BG's, and either 1) they don't want to do that or 2) they are working on it and have yet to implement it. Hopefully they choose the former, because if they add XP to BG's players such as myself, who's entire endgame revolves around twinking, they will lose that player base.

This leaves their desire to balance twinking. These changes ultimately fail at that task because as I stated before the noobs will just be rolled anyway by premades in all blues and hours of WSG experience under their belts. It also fails at twink versus twink balancing because some classes needed these items to be viable. +400 HP to legs does nothing to help a rogue's DPS, but it increases a priests survivability against said DPS. As it will stand with these changes rogues and hunters (high DPS classes with decent survivability) will once again be the dominant classes to beat in 19's.

So, in short, although I personally embrace the change, it fails at what it is attempting to accomplish. I understand why many in the twink community are not happy with the changes.
The main problem I see about this is where will Blizz stop. Thats the reason I will get mad, I am rather upset that librams are gone (since they are from vanilla WoW and it took them about 5 years to fix this, if it ever was a real issue) but I am more upset in the whole 'Be this level for THIS to work'. This promotes leveling out of twinking. The reason I liked 19/29/39/... twinks was because it didn't take long for me to level them and you usually grabbed vanilla WoW chants/gear.

TBC really added A LOT to twinking and I would be fine if they just took that way, but now they are taking away TBC and more.

I just don't feel good about this new mechanic. I see a lot of chants being nerfed to a high level, but if this doesn't happen I will be disappointed, but not as much as I would be if they got rid of all the normal chants for twinks.

Zuty said:
The main problem I see about this is where will Blizz stop. Thats the reason I will get mad, I am rather upset that librams are gone (since they are from vanilla WoW and it took them about 5 years to fix this, if it ever was a real issue) but I am more upset in the whole 'Be this level for THIS to work'. This promotes leveling out of twinking. The reason I liked 19/29/39/... twinks was because it didn't take long for me to level them and you usually grabbed vanilla WoW chants/gear.

programming isn't like magic, as you probably know, it can take awhile before people figure out how to work things out.

sure it took them 5 years to figure out how to get rid of librams, but they did.

it's going to make WSG more challenging and less lopsided. this isn't a bad thing for me.
Oh I know its a lot of work to program that from scratch, esp. when they have a lot of other things on their plate. But why not just slap the generic "This makes the item soulbound." that some chants have? At least then I would be fine with Librams not being allowed for twinks below 50, because they would be non-legit chants.

I can't even read the blizz topic anymore. My bloods boiling over the A-hole level 80s who know nothing about twinking that are posting in it. Twinking is a playstyle, not just in WoW but ANY game. Twinking actually derived from Dungeons and Dragons (not the videogame, the tabletop, pen and paper game) where low level characters would spend most of their time running around and exploring areas, just barely making it past hoards of high level enemies, and getting high end gear that they could wear at level 1. So its not like twinking is just for WoW, let alone new to the gaming industry all together. But the 80's only remarks are 'Its not a real playstyle.' 'Its not an accepted playstyle.' 'At least now I can BG and not get two shot by a rogue.' (Yeah, a level 80 rogue not being able to two shot someone ... Thats never going to happen ...)

Zuty said:
Oh I know its a lot of work to program that from scratch, esp. when they have a lot of other things on their plate. But why not just slap the generic "This makes the item soulbound." that some chants have? At least then I would be fine with Librams not being allowed for twinks below 50, because they would be non-legit chants.

does it matter either way? blizzard wants librams to have a level req, as of 3.1. did they want them pre-3.1? who knows. the point is they are level 50+ items that lower levels should not have.

I can't even read the blizz topic anymore. My bloods boiling over the A-hole level 80s who know nothing about twinking that are posting in it. Twinking is a playstyle, not just in WoW but ANY game. Twinking actually derived from Dungeons and Dragons (not the videogame, the tabletop, pen and paper game) where low level characters would spend most of their time running around and exploring areas, just barely making it past hoards of high level enemies, and getting high end gear that they could wear at level 1. So its not like twinking is just for WoW, let alone new to the gaming industry all together. But the 80's only remarks are 'Its not a real playstyle.' 'Its not an accepted playstyle.' 'At least now I can BG and not get two shot by a rogue.' (Yeah, a level 80 rogue not being able to two shot someone ... Thats never going to happen ...)

ignore retards. not difficult to do on a forum.

we know what twinking's all about, you don't need to get flustered over people who don't know what they're talking about. there's no reason to.
Love seing how people generally just are assholes on the internet.

Seriously, leave the twink stuff to the twinks, never involve stupid and non-caring

PvE 80s fooling around in Naxx. It's too stupid ruining a good thread on the wowforum.

Which aint even about WoW, but about trolling other players, and getting your own oppinion (which prolly aint your own) through to look like a tough guy to others.

Sickens me.
The thread was locked. Blizzard doesn't like petitions on their forums, it's not very productive from their pov I guess.

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