Search results

  1. Duel spec for 39!

    great news! speedygonzales acrane FC spec here i come u should do that anyway, not just because dualspec gets introduced to 39s :)
  2. Quest log reset in Cata.

    Questlog and Questhistory are 2 different things
  3. Important- maybe very dangeours for old twinks

    How u come to that conclusion elocon ? na , ofc i have xp off , the times i sniffed into bgs with xp on are gone , and even if i did, i switched it back off asap i went outside - was more or less the only way to finish my last misisng wsg achievment after 3.2 had hit the roads. but...
  4. Vandor changes made to items with lvl-to-use restriction -> purchase restrictions !

    Vendor changes made to items with lvl-to-use restriction -> purchase restrictions Found out, that items which have a lvl-retstriction-to-use, cant be brought now either, UNLESS u have the appropiate level. Example : ur lvl 39 and want to buy some morning glory dew for whatever reason...
  5. Important- maybe very dangeours for old twinks

    i think i can safely state that i belong to the "consider all stuff" grp of ppl. Still and thats my own experience , there are 1000 known and yet unknown ways, official or by bug, a player can get experience, regaredless how strong he cares to avoid. Like ur grouped and one guy kills a mob...
  6. Did Blizz change the xp needed/lvl ?

    hm seriosly missed that, and seems im not the only one. So lets hope the xp-off function wont bug in any future patch since i woudnt rely in Blizz ability to rollback stuff -> see patch 4.01 missing enchants problem Btw. Did blizz mention that in any patchnote ? - Searched them and found...
  7. Did Blizz change the xp needed/lvl ?

    i think you got me wrong :) IT SEEMS that blizzard changed the AMOUNT of XP needed / lvl for 39 it was 70200 to ding to 40, NOW its 56200 (?) - (what made my char 1 xp tp ding) so this is very dangerous for ppl who are (alrdy been) close to ding. Sometimes ppl ENABLE xp gain...
  8. Did Blizz change the xp needed/lvl ?

    Had some weird findings on my 39 twink , posted in general forum. Wondering of anyone of the 19. experienced that in their bracket too ? maybe a killer for xp locked guys who enable xp for any reason (be it just for sniffing wsg )
  9. Important- maybe very dangeours for old twinks

    Important- maybe very dangerous for old twinks Hello, after logging my 39 Twink today i stumbled across some weird stuff. Before Patch i had a roughly 15k XP margin to Ding. The XP neded to ding was ~ 70k afaik Formulas:XP To Level - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft ->...
  10. are 39s fun?

    it will be (a bit) more bursty in cata then it is now, but 49 will be even more bursty, so i think (rather hope), that 39 will remain the most balanced bracket .. though - hum ... my mage did 1680 arcane blast crits (1. cast) on ptr, tested on some 36mob w/o any buffs but currently bis gear...
  11. Arms Nerf!? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE!?

    why dont u copy ur twink to the PTR and test urself ? (as each SERIOUS twink should do) (ptr = cata talents alrdy)
  12. New to 39 help with basics please (EU)

    testing changes on my twink @PTR atm. Ill definetaly will queue for Bgs once cata is out, provided its still true that all (per-continent) battlegroups get united into one. I never been a fan of moving chars - usually it ended up in a loss of irl money since community was not stable. (too many...
  13. Staff of Jordan vs. Heirloom Weapons in Cata

    Lets hope, they redesign SoJ then (or add a new epic for this lvl range) , its a shame that such a great Epic isnt epic at all anymore. And yes, i knew that all armor pieces lost AP and/or SP , so hoped that the sp would remain on weapons. But wasnt aware of the template/weapon dmg convert...
  14. Staff of Jordan vs. Heirloom Weapons in Cata

    Hello, as far as i see a SoJ with 17 sta , 22 int , 11 spi lost its BiS status (dmg wise) vs any of the Heirloom Caster Weapons _IF_ the values here : Level 39 Heirlooms in Cataclysm are right eg.: Dignified Headmasters Charge : 17 sta, 14 int , 11 crit and 75 sp wtf.. lets hope...
  15. < Chaøs Theory > (Deathwing) recruiting

    too bad its US ....
  16. EU 39 idea about Restoreing

    My mage parked since 3.2 and ready to go if thers any 39 vital singns again. I would NOt recommend going on same server. U will get too dependent of the guilds and their influences - what alrd killed 39 on cyclone. Spread it = make it more immune to might-games, personal stuff etc. Spread over...
  17. it may concern

    Did anyone noticed the change in BG queue syytem yet ? U cant see the number of running BGs anymore NOR ur able to queue for a specific running bg (eg queuing for wsg 3) In my opinion its a big loss for several reasons, - no more able to avoid a running (fail) bg - queue...
  18. mage @ 49 ?

    Only played 39 bracket and enjoyed it a lot, so my question is : How do mages perform @ 49 , esp frostmages, are they able to compete with other burst classes in that bracket ? As far ive read shamans, palas, hunters , loks outperform others ? And what class has the best 49 gear...
  19. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    that elitistjerk behavior of some ppl really dont help attracting other twinks and twinks in spe to join the club, rather the opposite. Ppl not familiar with the existing players reading this will more or less /facepalm and move on.
  20. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    hint : form a certain point, it isnt wise to accumulate all 39 on one realm. Its nice for syncing, but that can be done via irc as well. Twink gear will be very rare on ah since all not-yet-completed twinks will try to get the stuff. For a sanity twink population, guilds on different cyclone...