Did Blizz change the xp needed/lvl ?

Had some weird findings on my 39 twink , posted in general forum. Wondering of anyone of the 19. experienced that in their bracket too ?

maybe a killer for xp locked guys who enable xp for any reason (be it just for sniffing wsg )
I like your thinking. You get lvls when you turn in flags in wsg still? or can I remove my xp and kill noobs in other xp battlegroup?:D:D:D haha that would be a great loads of fun really!
Antísocial said:
I like your thinking. You get lvls when you turn in flags in wsg still? or can I remove my xp and kill noobs in other xp battlegroup?:D:D:D haha that would be a great loads of fun really!

i think you got me wrong :)

IT SEEMS that blizzard changed the AMOUNT of XP needed / lvl

for 39 it was 70200 to ding to 40, NOW its 56200 (?) - (what made my char 1 xp tp ding)

so this is very dangerous for ppl who are (alrdy been) close to ding.

Sometimes ppl ENABLE xp gain for hopping into Bgs to get some fun and exit via afk before any xp event occurs (eg u can play in xp enabled wsg unless UR team scores a flag or the game ends) -

now i wondered if the 19 bracket received any change in the max xp/ lvl too - or not.

Just imagine a future patch is bugged (shall happen) and accidently ignores the xp lock flag ppl have - ull seee mass-ninja-dings since the xp changes to xp/lvl removed the safety-margins ppl had
Yes, this was posted long ago when it was on PTR. The amount of exp it takes to level decreased so if you were close to leveling before you'll now only be one point away from ding. Simple solution to this is don't turn your exp back on obviously.
Duckhunt said:
Yes, this was posted long ago when it was on PTR. The amount of exp it takes to level decreased so if you were close to leveling before you'll now only be one point away from ding. Simple solution to this is don't turn your exp back on obviously.

hm seriosly missed that, and seems im not the only one.

So lets hope the xp-off function wont bug in any future patch since i woudnt rely in Blizz ability to rollback stuff -> see patch 4.01 missing enchants problem

Btw. Did blizz mention that in any patchnote ? - Searched them and found no hint, for my taste a bit too easy going. And seems leveling now is a bit too rushy alrd for some ppls taste Iincluding me)
There is a fix for that too. If you some how magically turn your exp back on and ding, delete your toon ASAP and ticket a gm to do a character restore. That's the way we did it back in the day.

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