Doesn't look that broken to me. You get Mortal Strike and a few other useful abilities, not sure how that qualifies as broken. True it might not be as good as some of the other classes in the bracket but it is hardly broken.
Ihateurmom said:
So I was discussing Cata related type things with some compadres, and someone brought up the claim that Arms is simply going to be a broken tree altogether. Infuriated, and confused, I wrote this post.

Can anyone confirm or refute this? Evidence?

why dont u copy ur twink to the PTR and test urself ? (as each SERIOUS twink should do)

(ptr = cata talents alrdy)
You can get 5 MSes, and it wont make your MSwarr better if you cant get close to your opponent, because of your lack of Intercept.

They seem to buff classes with senseless LOLSKILLZ in lower levels (like MS with level 10, as soon as you choose the armstree), but remove more essential Skills (like Intercept) for them.

This is an redonculous Attempt to attract newfags with these LOLZs, but will scare off any serious player. Gee, what a waste.

(They also done it with Pallies, removing their HoF for the lower levels, but added some other [senseless] LOLs for them [eg Holy Shock when you go holy, not sure about DS now if you go ret, I am not that much up2date, because I pretty much dont care about Cata because I play private and they wont go Cata for really some time].)

Time to go (335-)private. :3


ForTheLichKing! said:
They seem to buff classes with senseless LOLSKILLZ in lower levels (like MS with level 10, as soon as you choose the armstree), but remove more essential Skills (like Intercept) for them.

most people pve, so they don't care if they have intercept or not, but ms makes a big difference.

my 39 warrior is definately not as fun to play right now. hoping it gets figured out over the next few months.

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